DSPS from a sensor to a windows PC

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Last seen:3 years 1 week ago
Joined:2018-01-02 16:10
DSPS from a sensor to a windows PC

I'm working on a project which requires me to replace a serial cable with a da14580 chip. I am using the basic development kit.

I have successfully connected the basic kit to my android phone and am able to send data back and forth, but I do not know how to do the same with a Windows 10 PC.

Any help would be appreciated.

Additionally, how would I be able to send and receive data with my own Android app, rather than with the DSPS app?

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi RoniKreinin,

Hi RoniKreinin,

需求方参考设计就像大部分的提单E related projects operate using profiles, that means that in order for a peer device to be able to properly communicate with the other side, central or peripheral it needs to implement the corresponding profile. The DSPS is using the DSPS profile which is a Dialog custom profile (there are also SIG profiles, which are profiles that are standarized by the SIG in order to make easy the interaction between devices). So as mentioned above the DSPS profile is a custom profile (as far as i am aware the SIG hasn't yet standarized a profile for serial emulation over BLE) which means that there is no standard Serial profile for the BLE in order for the 580 to achieve serial communication with any device out of the box. So, in order to interact with a windows 10 PC you will have to create the corresponding DSPS profile application that will operate on the PC and interact with the 580 (either as a client or as a peripheral). For using your own android app in order to communicate with a DSPS device, again you will have to develop an application that will implement the DSPS profile either as a peripheral or a central, and that is what the DSPS android application does. You will be able to find the source code of the DSPS android and iOS application on the support site in the 580 product in the Software & Tools tab, in the Mobile section.

Thanks MT_dialog