I am using the DA14580 to try and replace a USB cable for a sensor. The connection looks like this:
Windows 10 PC <- BLE(DSPS) -> DA14580 <- UART(Pins 2_3 and 2_4 for Rx/Tx) -> CP2102 UART to USB bridge <- USB-> Sensor
I have established a connection between the PC and DA14580 by using a C# .NET application, and am able to send and receive data successfully.
The problem is that in order to turn on the sensor and send/receive data to/from it, I need to open the serial port for the sensor first.
Does anyone know if this is possible and how I would go about doing it if it is?
I am using Da1458x_DSPS_v_5.150.2
Hi RoninKreinin,
Apart from what you are asking is out of scope of this forum, as far as i can understand you have a sensor that uses USB interface (which is a slave i suppose) and you connect that sensor to another USB slave device which will produce the UART data, who exactly between the CP2102 and the sensor is going to be the master on this connection since both devices are slave devices ? I dont think that this will work.
Thanks MT_dialog