DSPS extended sleep current consumption

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Daekeun Yun
Last seen:1 week 6 days ago
DSPS extended sleep current consumption

I'm using DSPS. If I measure the current of BLE IC during sleep period(stop advertising), the current is about 150uA.
This is normal current of DSPS sleep current or may I do something wrong about sleep mode?

Last seen:1天11 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Daekeun Yun,

Hi Daekeun Yun,

The DSPS example doesn't fall into permanent sleep but keeps on waking up and goes to sleep depending on its advertising and connection interval. Let me ask you some question in order to make clear what you are doing into your project. From your description, did you change the DSPS code and the application stops advertising? Did I understand correctly? Also, the device that you are using running the DSPS is connected with another device or it is just advertising? Could you please clarify if you are using a custom board or any of our development boards, for example the Pro-DevKit. Could you please let me know if you are using SPI Flash? In case you are using a flash, the power consumption will be increased.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Daekeun Yun
Last seen:1 week 6 days ago
Thank you for your advice. I

Thank you for your advice. I found the problem. I'm using EEPROM(I2C) and because of the port setting of I2C current was high. After fixing this problem, current was under 5uA.

Last seen:1天11 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Daekeun Yun,

Hi Daekeun Yun,

Glad that out figured your issue out.

Thanks, PM_Dialog