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Last seen:12 months 4 days ago
Joined:2019-11-25 00:42
DA14695 hogp_host


I am a new user trying to familiarize myself with the SmartSnippets development environment. Im using:


I have successfully compiled the test program "hogp_host" and can load it to RAM and debug in SmartSnippets.I didn't make any changes to the hogp_host.However, during the debug RAM_DA1469X process, I found that the program was stuck when running to "ret = OS_TASK_NOTIFY_WAIT(0, (uint32_t) -1, ¬if, portMAX_DELAY); "and did not continue to execute the following program segment.

当我停止这个项目,我发现公关ogram stops at "qspi_check_and_suspend_operations();".And I tried to debug "ble_central"and "ble_peripheral", and found the same thing.I have attached the picture of the program running.

I wonder if there are any special Settings to run the official hogp_host routine.

Very thankful for help.

Last seen:16 hours 12 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi zhu,

Hi zhu,

Glad that you are getting started with the DA14695 chip and SDK10 and thanks for your question! Since you are newbie with the DA14695, let me provide you some guidelines for getting easily started. The hogp_host is a sample implementation of the HOGP Host of the HID Over GATT Profile. You should build the demo for an execution from the flash and download the hogp_host.bin binary to flash and execute. A serial port terminal is required for sending the appropriate commands. Please refer to the readme.md file for more information.

I would strongly suggestion you to start with our pxp_reporter, ble_peripheral and free_rtos retarget projects. In the DA1466x support portal (link is below), you will find great variety of documentation and tutorials that will really help you to understand the SDK architecture.


First, I would suggest you to readUM-B-090: DA1469x Getting Started User Manual (HTML)andUM-B-092: DA1469x Software Platform Reference Manualto gain a deeper understanding of our SDK. The UM-B-090 guide is intended to help customers setup the hardware development environment, install required software and download and run an example application on the DA1469x development platform. The UM-B-092 document covers a broad range of topics including a brief introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Operating System (OS) related material and a number of sections containing a more detailed technical analysis of hardware elements, for instance clock and power management.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:12 months 4 days ago
Joined:2019-11-25 00:42
Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your quick reply!

Last seen:16 hours 12 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi zhu,

Hi zhu,

Thanks for accepting my answer. If you have any follow up question, please create a new forum thread.

Thanks, PM_Dialog