DA14682/3 BLE throughput

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Last seen:2 weeks 4 days ago
加入:2018-07-16 12:09
DA14682/3 BLE throughput

I want to design a custom board with DA14682 and connect it to an android application to send some files over BLE.
would you please tell me what is DA14682/3 BLE throuput?

Last seen:3 hours 33 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi techteh,

Hi techteh,

According to Bluetooth Core specifications, versions up to 4.2 support only the mandatory bit rate of 1 megabit per second (Mb/s), which is referred to as the LE 1M PHY. The DA14682/3 SoC product family is compliant with BLE Core version 5.0, which also supports the optional bit rate of 2 Mbit/s, that is referred to as the LE 2M PHY. Although the SKD supports only the theoretical maximum throughput up to 1 Mbit/s. Be aware that the throughput depend on the number of the packets, the length of the packet and the length of the connection interval. Please check the section 8 of theDA1468x Dialog Serial Port Service Source Codeuser manual. This document describes the data throughput in DSPS reference design application.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 weeks 4 days ago
加入:2018-07-16 12:09

According to your answer, the maximum throughput of da14682 with this available version of SDK is equal to da14680.
So, when you release the new version of SDK for da14682 to support higher value for throughput over Bluetooth 5?

Last seen:3 hours 33 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi techteh,

Hi techteh,

As I mentioned in my previous post, the maximum throughput using DA1468x family products, is succeeded into the DSPS project. We don’t have any clear timestamp if or when the new version of SDK for da14682 will support higher value for throughput over Bluetooth 5.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 10 months ago
加入:2016-12-06 08:36
Hey Dialog team,

Hey Dialog team,
Is there any update on when the DA14682/3 will support the other PHY layers? A majority of others including Nordic and Texas Instruments support variable PHY settings and it is a key element of BLE5.0. We've done a lot of work developing on the Dialog device but desperately need to get access to these other settings such as coded layers for longer range and the 2M layer for higher throughput.

Last seen:6 hours 59 min ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:02
Hi Jetsonindustries, we'll

Hi Jetsonindustries, we'll have some exciting news coming in January : please watch this space... plus you'll be able to re-use your software investment already made in the DA1468x family....BR JE_Dialog