DA14585 uart.h versus datasheet

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Last seen:3 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2014-01-21 14:45
DA14585 uart.h versus datasheet

On page 370 of the DA14585 there is the mode register of the UART.

Using uart.h one can construct a config value for the register. So instead of using a vanilla "3" in the init code of DSPS I like to use UART_CHAR_FORMAT_8 instead.

甚至还在我的应用程序必须使用Parity so that would be something like setting the: (UART_CHAR_FORMAT_8 | (1<<3) | (1<<4) ) to get 8 bits data, even parity and 1 stopbit.
UART_DLS bits [1..0]
UART_STOP bit [2]
UART_PEN [3] and

There seems to be no correlation between the enum() in the uart.h and the description of the hardware register. One would expect that the UART_PARITYBIT_xxxx could be mapped directly on the UART_PEN/EPS bits. Now the values are also reversed UART_PARITYBIT_EVEN = 0 whereas the register in the datasheet defines it to be "1". The reserved bit [5] could fit nicely as the SPACE/MARK parity setting.

So is this all correct? Or is the datasheet wrong or the uart.h? Is the bit 5 actually a bit that can set parity mark space?

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Last seen:3 days 3 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi roland,

Hi roland,

Thanks for your information! Let me check your issue and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks, PM_DIalog