DA14531 Deep Sleep - persist RTC date/time

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Last seen:1 day 1 hour ago
加入:2018-08-22 13:18
DA14531 Deep Sleep - persist RTC date/time


I was in contact with support already but we couldn't find a solution, I am hoping someone here might know something we might have overlooked:

According to the DA14531 datasheet, the timer power domain (PD_TIM) can be kept alive during deep sleep mode, which means that the RTC can be kept running. Upon a button press, the device should wake up from deep sleep and RTC date/time should be persisted and not lost (it's always reset/initialized to 0 after coming out of deep sleep).

The idea is to set the device date/time once during manufacturing of the device (and always re-sync whenever there is a connection to an app), but never not to know date/time at all.

Does anyone know how to keep RTC date/time information when waking up from deep sleep?

Many thanks and best regards,

Last seen:8 min 26 sec ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Josef,

Hi Josef,

Thanks for your question online. Let me check this and I’ll get back to you.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:8 min 26 sec ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Josef,

Hi Josef,

Apologies for the delay and thanks for posting online. At this moment this is not possible – if we found anything further on this, we will post it on our public forums.

If you would like to keep the RTC values when the chip wakes-up, you could use the extended sleep mode. In this mode, all the RAM blocks are retained (default configuration), so the registers are not reset.

When the DA14531 wakes up, the application code will start executing immediately and no data will be lost.

The SDK6.0.14.1114 provides 2 examples to understand how to use the extended sleep mode and how to wake-up the DA4531 too.



Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 day 1 hour ago
加入:2018-08-22 13:18
谢谢,会尝试!Br, J

谢谢,会尝试!Br, J