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Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2018-02-22 09:20


I am just trying to program the EEPROM using smart-snippets. However, every time I programmed it and restart the device nothing happens.

If I program the EEPROM (M24M01-DFCS6TP/K) with burn and verify everything seems well. If I then read the EEPROM using the 'READ 32KB' button it still shows it. However, as soon as I press reconnect the data is gone.

Is there anything I have to consider? I attached you two screenshots.

what is jtag_programmer.bin?

Here's the log file:
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:39] Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:39] FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:39] Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:39] Firmware File C:\DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources\jtag_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:40] Successfully downloaded firmware file to the board.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:40] Successfully configured I2C Eeprom ports and pins.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:43] Image size after adding bootable header is: 19008
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:43] Started burning memory with 19008 bytes of data at address 0x00000.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:49] Memory burning completed successfully.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:49] Reading memory to refresh memory contents....
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:33:55] EEPROM memory verification succeeded.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] Firmware File C:\DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources\jtag_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] Successfully downloaded firmware file to the board.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:27] Successfully configured I2C Eeprom ports and pins.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:29] Started reading 32768 bytes from memory.
(信息eepm @18-08-2418:34:36] Reading has finished. Read 32768 bytes.

Kind regards.

Last seen:14 hours 6 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi afkiwers,

Hi afkiwers,


Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2018-02-22 09:20



Kind regards

Last seen:14 hours 6 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi afkiwers,

Hi afkiwers,

The i2c_eeprom is a demo example of the SDK which demonstrates how to initiate, read, write and erase an I2C EEPROM memory. The project is located in the projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\i2c\i2c_eeprom SDK directory. So, my suggestion was to burn your EEPROM with this firmware, and try to read some data in order to check that read functionality works correctly. For getting more information for i2c_eeprom example, please read the section 7.19 I2C EEPROM Example of theUM-B-050 : DA1458x Software Developers Guide (SDK5)from our support page.

When you using Smart Snippets to burn the SPI Flash or the EEPROM from the appropriate tabs, you have two option to do that, through UART or through JTAG interface. Smart Snippets doesn't support any kind of flash by default, when you hit the connect button when trying to program the flash/eeprom there is a small firmware that is downloaded into the 580 called flash_programmer.bin in case of UART or jtag_programmer.bin in case of JTAG. As I am able to see from your log file, you are using JTAG interface. So the jtag_programmer.bin is the binary image that is downloaded from the tool when you are going to program the EEPROM through JTAG. You can find the flash programmer project in the following path of the SDK: DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\utilities\flash_programmer

Thanks, PM_Dialog