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Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
DA14583 debug custom board

Hello Dialog_Support,

I have designed a custom board using DA14583 development pro kit as the reference. I've completed the coding part and now want to debug my custom board.
For the debug connector I've brought the following pins on the connector:

I want to use JTAG for debugging, I have attached image of smartsnippets procedure which i have followed, but i am not able to burn the .hex file into the custom board. Actually i am not getting next steps to burn .hex file.
Please explain me the detail steps for JTAG debugging.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

The details of how you can connect a pro or basic board in order to program the 58x family is described in the FAQ section Development Kits & Reference Design Section "How to program a custom board using a development kit (basic or pro)".

如果你想使用JTAG调试然后年代mart Snippets has nothing to do with that and you dont need to burn the code in the flash in order to debug the code. All you have to do is hook up the custom device on the pro or the basic kit (connections are indicated above), and then via keil, directly download the fw into the 583's sysram. Check if the device is visible from keil via the "Target Options" button, "Debug tab" and hit the "settings" button. Under the SW Device, keil should indicate the IDCODE of the ARM attached on the SW interface. You can do that in order to check if your custom device is visible from the SEGGER sw.

关于你不能够连接的事实to the flash, i dont see anything wrong with the configuration of Smart Snippets, selecting the 583 as a device is all you have to do in order to burn the device's flash, regarding the message that you get when you connect to the device, make sure that the device is powered and that the flash is also powered VCC_FLASH pin on the 583, if there's fw in the flash using an older SDK than the 5.0.4 with the sleep mode on, issue a reset or a power up and try to hit the connect button within two seconds (older SDKs swicthed off the debuger module when in sleep so you weren't able to attach unless reset, when reset the device stays awake for 2 seconds before closing the debugger module), apart from that check if the jink is able to connect to your device.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

Thank you for your quick response.
I have followed your steps mentioned but i am not able to burn my .hex file to custom board.
will you please give me detail list of steps. How to burn .hex file into my custom board using JTAG?
Is there any jumper setting to do on mother_board for JTAG?
Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

Regarding the steps in burning the .hex file on the dev kit on a 583 daughter board:

1) Apply the jumpers for the SWD connection T_TMS->SWDIO T_TCK -> SWCLK (the ones that you should also connect with the SWDIO and SWCLK on your custom board)

2) Apply the jumper for the VCC flash (BATT SEL -> SPI_SUPPLY) (make sure that the VCC flash on your custom board is powered)

3) Open the Smart Snippets and select the JTAG option along with the DA14583-00 for the chip version and hit open.

4) Open the flash tool and hit the connect button in order for the flash_programmer to be downloaded in the 583.

5) Select your image and from the "Select file to download" and hit the burn button (after you make sure that the flash is empty).

In case that you are able to burn a dev kit and not your custom board i would assume that something is wrong on your custom board, so check if you can download code through keil on your custom board in order to check if the JTAG interface is ok and you can communicate via that interface. If you are able to download code and you just can't burn the flash then check if you are using the pins that the internal flash uses (if you have any connections with external sensors on that pins etc).

Thanks MT_dialog