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Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2017-07-25 07:44
DA1453 IoT Sensor Development Kit

Dear Sir,
This is Vishnu, I bought DA14583 IoT Sensor Development Kit.
I am having some doubts, please clarify
2. In DA14583 Wearable Reference Design the port P0 is used as serial communication(SPI) or I2C communication?
3. What is the difference between the VBAT and VBAT_mag?
4. In DA14583 datasheet, it mentioned as Port P2 has four special pins which are used SPI Bus Interface. What is the difference from Port P0 to Port P2 in context of SPI communication?
5. In DA14583 Wearable Reference Design, what is meant by NP and 0 at resistance displayed locations? ex: R35 NP, R34 0
6. In DA14583 Wearable Reference Design, there is one decoupling capacitor connected C31 still Why one more capacitor C4 =2.2 uF is connected from the battery holder to VBAT and
VBAT_RF pins.
7. When Sensor Dongle is connected with the external smart-phone/tablet, how to read the sensors raw data in values? like acceleration 2g, angular velocity 100 deg/sec.
8. After connecting Sensor Dongle to the smartphone, the android app can set to the fusion mode. When it is fusion mode the external movement in the sensor dongle is showing on the
10. As it mentioned in the power specifications what is the difference between the Connected: < 1.3 mA; Advertising: < 110 uA; modes. Is connecting smartphone to sensor dongle module

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi vishnuatdialog,

Hi vishnuatdialog,

1) The device should have the fw allready in the flash when you open the box, but you can use the Smart Snippets and re-program the flash with any fw that you would like.

2) The P00 port/pin is used as a data out pin for the SPI of the sensors available, you will be able to check this on the schematic of the board, on the document UM-B-064 on table 4: sensor and GPIO pin assignment and also in the set_pad_functions() function that sets up the functionallity of the available GPIOs.



5) NP, stands for non-populated, and the 0 ohm resistors are used for debugging, configuration or manufacturing purposes.

6) The extra cap is there for additional filtering on the VBAT, this is also mentioned on the design's schematic.

7) The IoT fw operates with the IoT sensor application, but you can connect to the device via a generic app and trigger sending data by writing to the Control Point characteristic (you will be able to find which of the available characteristics this is by using the UM-B-063 DA14583_IoT Sensor Development Kit on Table 6) the value 0x01, that will trigger the device to start sending raw data in the corresponding characteristics (remember in order to see that data on the phone side you will have to enable the notifications as well). Please check the previously mentioned document for checking the available options for the configuration of the sensor.

8)试图校正磁强计,procedure will improve how the device responds (calibration procedure is explained on the document mentioned).

9) The power consumption of the device is mentioned in every single state of the device, and the lifetime of the battery depends on the state of the device, so how much the device consumes when the device continusly working if a bit vague (since continusly working means a lot of things, continusly advertising, is continusly connected with a central, is continusly connected and sends sensor data, etc). So depending on what the device does you can easily calculate the lifetime of the battery.


Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2017-07-25 07:44
Thank you MT_dialog.

Thank you MT_dialog.