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Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2018-07-14 11:10
Beacon mode of DA14586

Dear PM_Dialog,

I am developing one connectable beacon mode based demo using DA14586 micro controller. I have Dialog Pro kit and DA14586 module for development.

I have downloaded SDK for DA14586 device. I am able to compile ble_all_in_one project code and able to flash it as debug mode using Keil and also able to discover DIALOG-ALL-IN device in BLE_SCANNER application.

I want to modify ble_all_in_one and use DA14586 device as beacon mode advertisement. I have tried SW Example: Simple beacon, in that I am able to compile the project and flashed it into DA14586 board through debug mode but after debug start I can not see initial pause at reset in Keil and also not able to discover the device in BLE_SCANNER application.

Below are some query:
1) How can I discover Device which are configured as Beacon mode advertisement? Will BLE_SCANNER android application is able to discover device which are configured as beacon mode?
2) What Changes are required in ble_all_in_one project to configure it as connectable beacon mode?
3) Can you please share some beacon based example for DA14586 module for reference.

Thanks in advance.


Last seen:3 days 10 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi karanshah28,

Hi karanshah28,

I would suggest you to have a look at the 585 Multi-Sensor Kit reference design. This is the support page:


The 585 MSK includes Beacon project that you could help you to get started.

Also, you could check theSW Example: Simple beaconsoftware example from our support website. This demo is a non-connectable advertising application example. You could modify it to connectable advertising. In order to setup the example, please read theSW Example: DA1458x Example Setupdocument.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2018-07-14 11:10
Dear PM_Dialog,

Dear PM_Dialog,

We are able to run SW Example: Simple beacon example code into our DA14586 EVM board, and able to see the same into BLE SCANNER mobile application.

Now we want to use connectable ibeacon mode.

We want to convertble_app_all_in_one示例代码我ntoconnectable ibeaconmode.

From where we can start and what changes we may required in ble_app_all_in_one example?

PS: We are new to BLE beacon advertisement so details informwation would be grately appreciated.

We have also browse DA14585-iot-multii-sensor-development-kit SDK and example code but did not get enough information from where to start implementation of beacon mode into ble_app_all_in_one example code.
Can we run altbeacon_dynamic example code of iot-multii-sensor-development-kit into DA14586? We have SmartBond DA14586 development kit Pro and DA14586 development daughter board.

Can you please share some other example code so we can start implementation?



Last seen:3 days 10 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi karanshah28,

Hi karanshah28,

I would suggest you to have a look at the iBeacon example of the 585 IoT MSK which is located under projects\target_apps\beacon\ibeacon_suota_button path. The iBeacon has a specific format in the advertising string. To do so, you should take as a reference theUM-B-101: DA14585 IoT Multi Sensor Development Kit Developer Guidedocument and implement the same in the you own application code. Section 6.4.1 iBeacon demonstrates the iBeacon format.

Thanks, PM_Dialog