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Robert Reichel
Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:20.17-09-01 09:25
Base Circuit with the DA14580


I want to build a basic circuit (minimal functions) with the DA14580. My goal is to just have the antenna, the power source, the programming interface
and the oscillator on the board itself and connect all other pins to plug strips so I can add other circuits to the layout later
(eg. different inputs for the ADC, trying to controll something with the GPIO pins).

I read the start up guide and have a few questions:

-According to the guide, I can program the DA14580 via the SWDIO and SWCLK pins using a SWD interface
or use the pins P0_4 and P0_5 using a RS232 level converter. As it is now, I have no hardware limitations,
which interface should I use? Are there any drawbacks using another interface to program the DA14580?

-Is the 32kHz external sleep clock necessary if I operate in buck mode or can I use the internal oscillator without any drawbacks?
What factors should be considered when deciding which oscillator for the sleep clock to use?

-I want to use some of the GPIO pins for ADC measurement, do I have to put resistors infront of the pins?
And are the pins protected from higher voltage levels?
My sensor output will have a output coltage between 0V and 3V and an output current of around 10mA.

-Is it possible to solder the DA14580 onto the PCB using a reflow oven and a template for the solder paste?

-There is an application note on how to design printed antennas. Can I just use a ready made design for my layout
considering the limitations mentioned in the application note?

-My simple circuit is included and I want to have all floating pins connected to plugs to use with other circuits.
Can someone please confirm if the circuit will work or what I have to correct to make it work?

I know those are a lot of questions but I want to make sure the circuit is correct before I make the PCB
since I do not have the ressources to make multiple different PCBs of the minimalistic circuit I want to use
and want to add additional functionality later using bread boards or something cheaper than a PCB.

Kind Regards,
Reichel Robert

Robert Reichel
Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:20.17-09-01 09:25

跟我说话后supervisor we are thinking of switching to the DA14585. Are there differences in the Hardwaredesign?
I looked into the datasheet and the basic curcuit seems to be identical to the circuit of the DA14580.

Kind Regards,
Reichel Robert

Last seen:1 week 6 days ago
加入:20.16-09-19 23:20
Hi Robert,

Hi Robert,

The responses are in the order of questions.,

1. For the programming interfaces, the SWD interface will be needed during the development process and UART interface will be required for production. I would recommend keeping both of them.

2. The internal RCX can be used for sleep clock instead of the 32kHz crystal. But keep in mind this is not very accurate and the power requirements increases by a little bit due to the fact that the reciever will be open for a littler longer.

3. There is a better explanation of the ADC pads in our Known Issues document. Please review this document. The pins are only rated for the VBAT voltage and only the lower 4 pins of PORT 0 can be configured for ADC.

4. Yes, that method of production can be used.


6. The circuit should work given that you follow the antenna design guidlines and proper placement of caps and inductor. You can send us your final layout and we can review it for you.

There is no difference in using the 585 or 580 for the PCB design expect the package. DA14585 is only available in WLCSP34 and QFN40 packages where as DA14580 is also available in QFN48 packages.


Robert Reichel
Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:20.17-09-01 09:25
Thank you for your quick

Thank you for your quick support.

I have one other question. I am working with EAGLE to create the layout and I can`t import
the gerber files you provided with the reference designs. Is the DA14585 QFN40 symbol and footprint anywhere available
as a .lib file or can you provide it for me?

Kind regards,
Reichel Robert

Last seen:1 week 6 days ago
加入:20.16-09-19 23:20
Hi Robert,

Hi Robert,

I am looking into this to find if we have any libraries in house and will get back to you with an update.


Robert Reichel
Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:20.17-09-01 09:25



Reichel Robert

Last seen:1 week 6 days ago
加入:20.16-09-19 23:20
Hi Robert,

Hi Robert,

As of now , we do not have any eagle based libraries for the DA14585. We are working on these and might be availble soon.
