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Last seen:2 years 8 months ago
加入:2017-02-02 11:42
2.4 GHz antenna referance files(.dxf files)

We are thinking to use pcb antenna in our new project with DA14580 and I am looking for proper reference design. I have found one on your website but it takes up too much space on pcb (our project has to be as small as possible) and I would like to ask if there is available any other, smaller design? In AN-B-027_Designing_Printed_Antennas_for_Bluetooth_Low_Energy_2v2 it is mentioned that .dxf files are readily available. If possible kindly share the link for importing .dxf files.

Thank you in advance

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34


All the available designes from Dialog are referenced in the AN-B-027 document, the .dxf files can be found in the "Documents" tab in the "Application Notes" section, if you check that section there is an extra AN-B-027 : Designing Printed Antennas : DXF files .zip file that contains all the .dxf files you are looking for.

Thanks MT_dialog