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Last seen:5 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-07-21 21:38
10米Ohm resistor on XTAL32KP requirement


As noted in "AN-B-061DA1468x Application hardware design guidelines_v1.5," section 5.3.2 "32.768 KHz clock", the author advises using a 10MOhm resistor from XTAL32Kp pin to ground.

Quoted Section:
"For the current DA1468x-00 and DA1468x-01 version of the chip, a 10MOHm resistor is required to be connected from the XTAL32Kp pin to ground. The next hardware revision will not need this resistor."

In our application, we are not using (and not populating) the 32.768 KHz crystal. If we are not using this crystal, I'm assuming there is no need for the 10MOhm resistor on the XTAL32Kp pin. Is this correct?


Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi SD_Michael,

Hi SD_Michael,

Yes, if you are using the RCX and not connecting an external XTAL then there is no need for a 10MOHm resistor.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-07-21 21:38
Thanks for your reply and

Thanks for your reply and clarification.

- Michael