
How to use DA14695 RGB interface connection?

Sat, 2020-12-05 09:41--guxiang

Hi , dialog

We want to use DA14695 RGB interface. But we don't know what exactly RGB pin connection. Such as NHD43480272EFASXN LCD module , which driver IC is ST7282T2 , I guess we should use its Serial 8-bit RGB interface according to its datasheet. But , how 8-bit RGB interface(G0-G7) is connected to DA14695 G0,G1,B0, B1, R0, R1?

GATTS api functions to be ported with mbedtls library

Thu, 2020-12-03 15:10--prasanna

Hello Dialog,

I wanted to set some read and write call back functions thar are used to be communicated with the mbedtls library. i wanted to make use of the GATT server for this. Could you suggest what are the available api functions that I can use for this? As far as I understand, the api's given in ble_gatts.h are used for read and write requests, notifications between two ble_devices. Is this so or we can use these api's for porting with mbetls library as well?

Thanks in advance



DA1469x External Interrupt - not invoking interrupt handler while interrupt

Wed, 2020-12-02 07:44--Zinal

Hello Dialog,

I'm generating external interrupt for motion detect via LIS2DE12 on DA1469x. My issue is interrupt handler not getting called when device has moved or motion detected.

I have followed upDA1469x Tutorial External Interruptiontutorial.

Here i'm sharinf code which i have implemented for this..Please help me in this what is issue in these??

void wakeup_interrupt_cb(void)
hw_wkup_reset_interrupt ();

电池检测l estimation (fuel gauge)

Tue, 2020-12-01 10:11--the_richard

Hi Dialog,

We're working on a battery powered application with the da1469x. As the chip has a built-in charger but not a fuel gauge, can you recommend a way to estimate battery level?
In other threads I've read about a "software-based fuel gauge algorithm making use of the very accurate Battery monitor". An example of this would get us started. Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

DA1469x External Interrupt for LIS2DE12

Mon, 2020-11-23 07:31--Zinal


I'm trying to generate external interrupt for LIS2DE12 for motion detection but while OS_TASK_NOTIFY_WAIT() it's doing Starting CPU target... and i'm not able to get notified value for OS_TASK_NOTIFY_WAIT .Can you help me for it??

here is my configuration for interrupt generation..,

void wakeup_interrupt_cb(void)
hw_wkup_reset_interrupt ();


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