
Regd Adding Cpp Application files

Tue, 2019-08-20 02:57--sandeep.kelasangada


This is regarding to DA14695. I have an application written in C++ and driver writen in C for another MCU, now i have port the same application on Dailog MCU environment.

When i try to create a C++ project I'm not able to see the SDK folder as it is available in the built-in examples like ble_adv, ble_cli.

When i take the base project as ble_adv, and try to add my Cpp application, i'm not able to add the cpp files.

Kindly let me know how to create CPP project with FreeRTOS part of it or how to modify exisiting project like ble_dev example.

BLE read characteristic with notification

Tue, 2019-08-06 10:02--维特尔


I am trying to configure READ characteristic with notification attribute. At the moment I can see this characteristic on android app (nRF Connect) with properties READ and NOTIFY. On android app, I can't see the possibility to subscribe this characteristic. To update value in this characteristic, I have to press read button manually.

Is there any tutorial or demo/example that shows how to configure that kind of characteristic?

Best regards,



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