
#define dg_configUSE_LP_CLK ( LP_CLK_RCX )

Sat, 2020-09-19 07:03--Grant




SmartSnippets 2.0.14

DA1469X dev Kit Board



I found that when I use this:

#define dg_configUSE_LP_CLK ( LP_CLK_RCX )

After program flash, and a reboot, it will be fail to run 'erase_qspi_jtag' cript in SmartSnippets Studio in the next time.

Smart Snippets Toolbox QSPI Flash Read issue

Fri, 2020-09-18 20:05--Subramanyan


I am using Smart Snippets Toolbox v5.0.6.2196 to read the flash partition with a DA14695 dev kit.

When I connect and select Read on the QSPI Partition table, I always get the following error.

I am trying to do this in order to modify the partition tables to add a custom nvram area for my data.

Any help in this regard is appreciated.

Dialog FUOTA example not working

Wed, 2020-09-16 16:50--ZephraimMcKladden


我总结了pxp-reporter da的例子1469x product page with SmartSnippets and the release FUOTA (tried debug as well) build config. I also downloaded the Dialog FUOTA Android App from same page.

But I wasn't able to see my 14695 DevKit in the Android App, tried multiple Android devices. If I compile the project with a build config without FUOTA, the Android App "BLE Scanner" ist able to find the device, but as soon as I compile it with "FUOTA", it totally disappears.

I'm kinda stuck now, as I have no idea left, where to look or what to try.

UART Receive issues

Sun, 2020-09-13 18:56--Subramanyan


I am using WiRa 10.440.8.6 SDK on the Dialog 14695. I am implementing a UART solution with FreeRTOS. I am trying to find a good way to receive UART messages from another device.

I am using hw_uart_receive(HW_UART3, &var, 1, uart_data_cb, &var) from a main task. Once I receive 1 byte in the callback uart_data_cb, I am notifying the main task which then issues another hw_uart_receive(HW_UART3, &var, 1, uart_data_cb, &var). I am trying to get 1 byte at a time since I dont know the number of bytes that I can receive.

DA14695 Smartbond WiRa - Multidevice ranging possible?

Thu, 2020-09-10 10:09--FG_IPA


I recently ordered a DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG kit and one DA14695 USB kit, which I intend to flash with the WiRa firmware. Is it possible to create multiple WiRa connections between the kits,

so device A not only computes its distance from device B (and vice versa), but also from device C?

Best regards

How to put da14695 into extended sleep mode and verify it

Mon, 2020-09-07 19:18--jagath52


I am using da14695 controller with WiRa sdk and social distancing tag example and it has timer and i2c peripherals in project.

By default sleep mode used by example is extended sleep mode.

But the active mode and extended sleep mode is both taking same amount of current. How to verify that the controller is gone into extended sleep mode. How much max current will take in that sleep mode.

Will hardware timer and i2c peripherals and its pins has to be deinitilized before putting into extended sleep mode.

SPI master clock setup

Tue, 2020-09-01 21:46--herangli

Dear support

I have a da14695 USB eval board and I'd like to integrate a device to board on SPI.
This slave device requires a maximum 1MHz SCLK frequency to be able to communicate.
I tried to find some solution to set a lower frequency but I haven't found any way.

Is it possible to set a lower SPI Master SCLK frequency? If it is possible please help me how.

Thanks in advance


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