
為何無法申請 Software & tools 的資料 for DA1468x ?

Wed, 2016-10-05 13:29--yehhungteng

我在網站的 Software & Tools
"Please read the following SLA, then click the checkbox at the bottom to confirm your agreement."

但是我找不到可以按的 bottom , 請問怎辦?

SmartSnippits External Tools

Sun, 2016-10-02 18:13--sjdorsay


I was going through the "Getting Started" Guide (the PDF is attached for ease of access) and on page 17 figure 11 is a list of External Tool Configurations but I don't have any of these. Am I supposed to configure them myself? The way the document is written it seems that I'm supposed to have them already. How do I get these configurations?

Thank you


DA14680 FCC Scripting

Thu, 2016-09-29 03:12--PiMios

I am scheduled for FCC testing on a chip down design with the DA14680 SoC. I had planned on putting the device in Direct Test Mode and use HCI commands to exercise the radio for the lab. It turns out that their Bluetooth Tester does not support Direct Test Mode for BLE. I need to perform the following functions within the script:

1) Ability to select the operating frequency channels (Low/Mid/High)

2) Ability to control the output power (maximum)


Thu, 2016-09-22 03:19--index219

你好,我在捕鼠动物代理买了一块开发板:DA14681 Development Kit - Basic,
我在使用编译器SmartSnippets Studio加载freertos_retarget工程后,
1.X:\DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.6.968\utilities\scripts\qspi\prepare_local_ini_file.vbs(13, 1) WshShell.RegRead: 无法打开注册键值 "HKCU\Software\SEGGER\J-Link\InstallPath" 进行读取。
2.Failed to bind to socket
cannot open gdb interface

SmartSnippets Studio

Tue, 2016-09-20 05:58--Bean

I'm trying to use the SmartSnippets_Studio and DA1468x Development Kit Pro. I do these:
Install the necessary software, import scripts and pxp_reporter into Eclipse, and build pxp_reporter.
After successful compilation, I run by program_qspi_jtag_win.
And LightBlue find a "Dialog PX Reporter".

But I uninstall all the software and reinstall them later, as the above steps, tips the following questions wen compiling:
Problems: "cannot find -lble_stack_da14681_01"
"make:***[pxp_reporter.elf] Error 1"

Image format error while qspi write via jtag

Sat, 2016-09-17 23:29--GeNeo


I use the da14681 DevKit Pro with latest SDK (DA1468x SDK BTLE v1.0.6.968) and SmartSnippets (SmartSnippets Studio v1.2.3.576 Linux x86-64) with arch linux.
I've got it compiled and try to write it to the Flash.
Unfortunately something goes wrong.
Did I forget anything? I guess the build process is wrong or incomplete.

I can upload the compiled bin-file as well.

DA1468x Vcharge < 3V

Thu, 2016-09-08 17:20--kriede


we want to use the Murata UMAC Lithium ion battery as the primary power source. It has a charge voltage of 2.7V with a capacity of 3mAh, more than enough for our case.

According to the data sheet of DA1468x, unfortunately the charge voltage of the built-in Constant Current/Constant Voltage charger can only be set down to a minimum of 3V.
Is there any other option to charge this battery type with the built-in charger? Maybe with a few additional components (not talking about a seperate charger IC)?

Thank you for any hint


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