
Laptop not connecting with DA14681

Thu, 2016-10-13 18:04--sjdorsay


So I have built and programmed my DA14681 dev. kit with the ble_central example project but nothing shows up on my terminal and when I go to scan devices nothing shows up. Also, when I turn my DA14583 IoT dongles on still nothing shows up on the terminal. My settings are: Serial, 115200, No handshake, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity control, and the lower COM port (in this case COM3). Am I doing something wrong? I want to be able to log the data that the IoT dongle is sending into a file.

Special antenna design

Mon, 2016-10-10 14:11--ArminL

Hi Dialog,

I am designing a circular pcb (diameter 28mm) for DA14680. Therefore I need an antenna with a round shape (radius 12-13mm) instead of the one specified in AN-B-027. Can you please help me with antenna footprint and matching network?

Another issue: I’ve accepted the SmartSnippets licensing agreement one week ago, but access is still not granted.

Thank you

DA14681 Development Kit - Basic COM Port

Mon, 2016-10-10 08:42--Firefox2005


我们使用的是DA14681 Development Kit - Basic and Windows 10. In UM-B-047 it is described that the Device will show as 2 USB Serial Ports which are mapped to two COM Ports.
At first this worked but after some programming of the templates it stopped working. The COM Ports don't get recognised anymore. I tried to uninstall the Drivers and
plug in the Development Kit again but this didn't help. Do you have any Idea how I could fix this?

Thank you

check battery voltage or remaining power

Fri, 2016-10-07 17:15--frankychan

I knew that DA14680 use fuel gauge to check the battery remaining power. Will this fuel gauge unit consumes a lot of power, if I turn it on for a very long time? How should I use this fuel gauge in battery power checking in this DA14680? e.g. how frequent should I turn this on or off? or which cases or scenarios should I turn it on or off? I am thinking of, how to get a balance between the accuracy of the battery remaining power and the power drained by the fuel gauge unit.

SDK access

Wed, 2016-10-05 14:55--edwardwhite

I've accepted the SDK license terms and received an email recently from Dialog stating that I had been granted access. However, when I go to the Software and tools page, it still thinks I have not been granted access. The license agreement is still displayed, albeit with no checkbox, and there are no links to download the SDK.



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