
program is blocked at system_init, UART? or I2C?

Sun, 2017-02-19 02:21--jamesleo-konka

HI, Dialog,
My I2C device has two part of program: initialiazing / operation.
I put it in project hrp_sensor.
The initialazing code is at function system_init: (RETARGET has been defined)
static void system_init( void *pvParameters )
OS_TASK handle;
unsigned char d;
i2c_device dev;


Sat, 2017-02-18 09:28--WaltWang

hw_uart_receive(HW_UART2, uart_rx_buf_for_device, 8, uart_callback_for_device, NULL);

void uart_callback_for_device(void){

Access I2C device during wakeup period

Sat, 2017-02-18 09:08--auzzz

Hi Dialog,
我们有一个阅读测量要求I2C sensor during wakeup period, if readings fulfill condition, switch to running mode.
settings code are attached below:
1.Project used: DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.6.968 for Pxp_reporter;
2.sleep mode set to: pm_set_sleep_mode(pm_mode_extended_sleep);
3. advertise interval:set_advertising_interval(ADV_INTERVAL_POWER);

How to enable UART com port on demo project

Fri, 2017-02-17 15:42--jamesleo-konka

Hi Dialog,
For debugging, I want to enable the UART com port connected to Debug Chip.
In the demo project hrp_sensor, I defined:
#define dg_configUART_ADAPTER (1) in custom_config_qspi.h

Any definning or code should be added? (for example, CONFIG_RETARGET -- this is not defined in project peripherals_demo, but UART works fine).


Can I build the modified source file only

Fri, 2017-02-17 15:29--jamesleo-konka

Hi Dialog,
Can I compile the modified source file only in Smartsnipptes?
Although a bit modification on the source file, the building tools will do the whole building ( compile every source file, even if they are not modified).
Every time it takes a few minutes to do the building -- it's a long time.

Is there an option to simplify the compiling/building work?


What does this mean: invalid announcement message received (-106)

结婚,2017 - 02年-15 22:30--Myken


I'm a linux user and a command line junky, sorry for that :-)

I have done a new design using the DA14680 chip (01F08). Now I am trying to get the new hardware up and running.
First step connect the serial port and if I connect a terminal program to /dev/ttyUSB0 and do a RESET, I get
so the serial connection is fine.

It's difficult to add I2C function

结婚,2017 - 02年-15 09:35--jamesleo-konka

Hi Dialog,
One week has gone, but I can't add I2C in hrp_sensor project.
At beginning, I study the peripherals_demo and get know something about dg_configUSExxx and file system of a project.
Then I moved to hrp_sensor project because it enable the ble function, that's my goal.
It's not easy to get understood the project peripherals_demo, files nested deeply, main.c -> periph_setup.c --> demo_i2c.c .....
The project hrp_sensor is simple, only 2 files.
But, the simple work for adding I2C into hrp_sensor is stucked.

two platform_devices.h files

结婚,2017 - 02年-15 01:20--jamesleo-konka

Hi, Dialog
In project peripherals_demo, there are two platform_devices.h , one is at \config, and one is at \sdk\adapters\include
Which one has higher priority?

I think this file should be defined by custom for their specific board, not the common file, so it's better to comment out this line
#include "platform_devices.h"
in main.c (for example, in project hrp_sensor)
and then define the action of adapters (like the platform_devices.h has done) in your custom_config_xxx.h file.

Is it OK?



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