
Chip antenna with DA1468x

Mon, 2017-04-03 01:05--david_33021


We're considering using a small chip antenna (Johanson 2450AT07A0100, 50 ohm impedance, return loss 6.5 dB,https://www.johansontechnology.com/datasheets/antennas/2450AT07A0100.pdf) with the DA1468x on our custom board. Do you have any reference designs or documentation regarding using a chip antenna with the DA1468x?

Thank you,

3-wire SPI

Sun, 2017-04-02 17:14--david_33021


I'd like to use SPI to communicate between the DA1468x and a sensor that only supports 3-wire SPI. The sensor exposes 3 pins: a clock pin, a chip select pin, and a pin used for both data in and data out. How should I set up the DA1468x so I can communicate with this sensor? Can I configure both SPI_DI and SPI_DO on a single GPIO? Or perhaps I should change the configuration of the GPIO and the SPI bus between reads and writes?


DA14681 USB_CDC的问题

Sat, 2017-04-01 04:07--zed

NumBytesReceived = USBD_CDC_Receive(hInst, usb_cdc_buf, sizeof(usb_cdc_buf), 0);
但是我不给USB发送数据,程序跑了2分10秒的时候。NumBytesReceived 返回为0且一直在while(1)不停的循环,不会再次阻塞在这里。问下这是什么原因呢?

Specifying charging parameters for a battery

Thu, 2017-03-30 20:04--david_33021


I'd like to specify charging parameters for a 22 mAh, 4.2V lithium polymer battery. I've been following the guidance in AN-B-035 (Battery Charging), UM-B-056 (Software Developer's Guide, section 10.1 "Enabling the charger"), and UM-B-044 (Software Platform Reference, section 9.5 "Charger configuration"). I have a few questions:

flash size 1M ?

Tue, 2017-03-28 10:25--Jérém

I tried to flash a firmware on development kit basic through uart and I get the message : file xxx.bin is too big.
Size of my firmware is 630kB and flash is 1024kB, so I don't understand why it doesn't work.
I check in code of cli_programmer, and there is a condition on firmware size to be sure that firmware is smaller than 508kB.
Can you explain me why ?


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