
Max time when interrupts are disabled

Mon, 2017-05-15 17:52--kvenkatraman

What is the maximum time for which the interrupts are disabled in the BLE stack?

I am using DA14681 dev kit (PRO) and using pxp_reporter example. I modified the example to add a hw_timer0 and in the timer ISR, I simply toggle a I/O line and looking at the period on o-scope. The timer is configured to interrupt every 500 micro-secs, but I am seeing >200 micro-secs of jitter on o-scope. However, when I disable the pxp_reporter task (commented out the creation of this task), this jitter reduces (~ 20 micro-secs).


Mon, 2017-05-15 13:29--jkraan


I have had trouble getting the DSPS to work on the DA14861 Dev Kit Pro. I started by adding the sps BLE service to the PXP Reporter demo app, and I could see the Serial Port Service, but whenever I would try to write to the RX characteristic the DA14681 seems to go into a reset state. I then decided maybe it was just an issue inside of PXP Reporter so I put the SPS in the ble_peripheral demo project and now there does not seem to be the crash into a reset state but the callback functions for the SPS do not seem to be firing whenever I send data to the Rx characteristic.


Mon, 2017-05-15 04:17--Magifun

采用DA14681的平台设计,穿戴心率检测设备,采用FLASH W25Q80EW设计,在dg_configUSE_BOD指令设置为1的情况下出现复位的现象。烧录SDK(DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.8.1050.1),通过测量外部电感两段,无任何波形输出,输入端只存在1.2V直流电压。通过测量显示芯片引脚与板子连接正常。


Sun, 2017-05-14 09:23--song


我的boot loader完全按照SDK例程修改,但仍出现上述情况,不知是那里设置有问题,望帮忙解答。

DA14681 timer for pxp_reporter example

Thu, 2017-05-11 22:40--kvenkatraman

I am using DA14681 devkit PRO board and pxp_reporter example. I want to add hw_timer0 to this project and want to toggle an i/O line in timer0_isr. I noticed that this toggle is synchronous to the blue LED flashing (fast or slow advertising) on the board.

Where can I find the source code for this blinking LED?

Is hw_timer0 being used anywhere in this example? How do I know what peripherals are being used by the different sdk examples? From the forums, I realize that timer1 is used by the FreeRTOS. Can you list different peripherals that are used by this example?

Heart Rate Data Rate

Tue, 2017-05-09 06:30--johndefalco

The heart rate sensor on the 14681 Wearable Kit is currently sending out change notifications every 60 seconds, but I would like to change it to something faster.

Looking at the java code for both the Wearables App and IoT Sensor App for Android, I can't find a way to set the Heart Rate Data Rate as mentioned in the Health Toolbox (Page 109 of UM-B-076 document) ht_hr_config_t and values such as HT_HR_DATA_RATE_1_PER_15SEC_HZ, HT_HR_DATA_RATE_1_PER_1SEC_HZ, etc. The HCS and DWS service list nothing like those parameters, and the code doesn't mention any interval settings.

14681 USB_CDC

Fri, 2017-05-05 10:20--zed

您好,我想问下USB\ CDC里在没收到数据的情况下USBD\u CDC\u Receive(hInst,usb\u CDC\u buf,sizeof(usb\u CDC\u buf),0);会在130年代时返回0。有美国石油学会可以设置它的超时吗?或则怎样能够让它在没有收到数据的情况下,永远停阻塞在这呢?


Thu, 2017-05-04 11:57--hem_forent

Hello support

i am using a da14581 development kit pro. The problem i am facing is i cant interface with it the mobile app.when i enter the setup code(pairing PIN) printed in the label it didn't get connected.Is there any other way to find the setup code(pairing PIN) of my da14681 or can i able to generate a setup code(pairing PIN) manually using software tools

please help,looking forward to hearing from you soon




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