
connecting multiple accessories

Thu, 2017-06-01 14:41--hem_forent

hai dialog

i'm using DA1461 pro i had successfully interfaced it with my phone .But the problem is i want to control multiple accessories using my DA14681 how to do that..?

please give some tutorial on it.Is there any PDF regarding this it will be really helpful

also how many accessories we can connect to a single da14681...?

please replay as soon as possible

thank you


Battery charging accurate battery level

Thu, 2017-06-01 09:45--Anonymous (not verified)

Hi Dialog,

I have an issue that when we are charging the battery it will go upto show 100% battery level but its still charging and when we remove the usb (the charging has not yet finished), it shows lower than 100%. Is there a way to accurately determine the battery level when charging? We are using adc method to get the battery percentage, will using SOC help?


Sat, 2017-05-27 03:59--userYR

在使用 SmartSnippets Studio v1.5.3.837 开发 DA14680时,程序编译成功后,使用正版的JLink可以调试,但是不能使用脚本program_qspi_jtag_win进行烧写。
出现了'"..\..\..\binaries\cli_programmer.exe"' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序这样的错误。


Wed, 2017-05-24 23:02--Dheeraj

Hello Team !!

I have few questions regarding UART Flow control

* We are facing some flow control issues using UART. Please check the below GPIO pins are used for my UART connection.
p1_3 for UART2 TX
p2_3 for UART2 RX
p1_7 for UART2 RTS
p1_2 for UART2 CTS

* When i read the data sheet " Special IO considerations" block they mentioned the below information

BLE 4.2 Bandwidth test

Wed, 2017-05-24 21:58--Dheeraj

Hello Team !!

I have a query to ask regarding Bluetooth 4.2 of DA14681.

Bluetooth 4.2 Bandwidth Test :
* We are sending the bigger packets ( 247 bytes per packet ) data rate over the ble to android phone. We are getting 5.3KBytes/sec as per now , Can you please tell me what is the maximum bandwidth supported by DA14681. Please i need some more inputs to increase my bandwidth.


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