
Same level battery da14681

Thu, 2017-08-03 08:06--didi17000

Hi Dialog,
I try to get the battery level. For that, I use pxp_reporter project but I have a problem. The level of the battery was send by the da14681 to the phone each minute but it's always the same data which is send. I used the socf_get_soc() function to collect the level of the battery. If I do a reset of the da14681, the new value is updated.

Different behaviour between Debugging and normal operation

Tue, 2017-08-01 15:06--dsandbue

Hello there,

I'm working with the PXP-Reporter-demo (with SUOTA enabled) and currently experiencing some strange behaviour.
We've implemented a new GATT-Service; it works as expected when the Controller is running in debug-mode. However, in normal operation, the controller is unable to process our GATT-service properly and crashes.

Read UART with different length

Mon, 2017-07-31 10:23--dx3gerst

Hi Dialog,

there is a Problem with reading different lengths of UART-Messages from my sensor. The standard-length of the received UART is 4 Byte, but sometimes I will receive a 10 Byte message.
Byte 3 and 4 of the input-Array are datacounter, which only are non equal to Zero in case of a Input Array longer than 4 Byte.

So my Approach is to always read the length of 4 Byte by the command:


ad_uart_read(dev, uart_buf, 4, OS_EVENT_FOREVER);

I2C bus timing error cause deadlock

Mon, 2017-07-31 02:45--guxiang

Hi, dialog
When we developed I2C device , we found there is a a low probability of bus timing error (as show in pdf file). At this point , if we used "ad_i2c_write" or "ad_i2c_read" to operate I2C bus , corresponding task would be suspend forever due to a code statement in "ad_i2c_write/read" function:
int ad_i2c_write(i2c_device dev,const uint8_t * wbuf,size_t wlen)
OS_EVENT_WAIT(dev_config->bus_data->event, OS_EVENT_FOREVER); //suspend forever

PXP-Reporter - Toggling an LED on BLE-Connect

Wed, 2017-07-26 15:22--dsandbue


I'd like to turn on an LED once a BLE-Connection is established. I've done that in the ble_multi_link demo and it works flawlessly. However, if I try to do the same in the PXP-Reporter demo, I see some unexpected behaviour.

So, i initialize the Output in main -> periph_init() via:


And I turn the LED on in the main task when a GAP_Connect happens:

DA14681 chip revisions

Mon, 2017-07-24 18:10--chriskang88

We have built boards in two different phases. The first one was a SW dev board which is a large board and the other one was actual form factor boards.
The first boards are able to be programmed flash but the second one is not.
We've been checking what is different between two boards but not successfully found a root cause yet.
一个区别是chip revision.
On the working boards, there is DA14681-01000 and on non-working boards there is DA14681-AD000.
I couldn't find what is difference on the new revision on the datasheet.

SUOTA bin file creation

Fri, 2017-07-21 10:46--Anonymous (not verified)

Hi Dialog,

We were wondering is there a script that will combine the SUOTA bootloader, custom program and partition table into a single bin file for a 1MB flash.
Currently I have read and saved a bin image from a device which was flashed using the suota-initial-flash script from the smart snippets studio IDE. Since we are not using the full 1MB size of the flash. I was wondering if I can create an image that combines the bootloader custom program and the partition table through an external script?


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