
Code library build and floating point calculation

Fri, 2017-08-11 13:40--guxiang

Hi, dialog
We want to pack several source code and build it into a library file like keil building "*.lib" file. Can dialog provide a project template or some guide base on smart snippets studio?
And there is no FPU in DA14681 , if we have some floating- point calculation in the application , what should we do to support it ?

How to create new project without use of freertos apis

Tue, 2017-08-08 08:13--ramesh96421

Hi dialog_support

1 ) shall i customize the sdk to program da14681 with out use of free rtos support in my project(i want to use low level apis in my project with out use of free rtos template in my main file)
2) shall i write my own apis to access da14681 registers in smartbond studio

provide me any documentation how to do that

DA14681 VDDIO pin

Mon, 2017-08-07 17:28--guxiang

Hi, dialog
VDDIO pad is the supply power of QSPI Flash and is analog input type as the datasheet said. But we can't see any external power domain connected to the VDDIO pin in the "DA14681_basic_devkt_sch.pdf" schematic. In this case , is the soc internal 3.3v domain supply for the VDDIO pad ? And can it work well for supplying QSPI Flash?

How to create new project without use of frrertos apis

Mon, 2017-08-07 13:55--ramesh96421

Hi Dialog support

I am using dialog DA14681 pro daughter board and mother board. I download latest SDK and add api to make a led blink and works fine
i come to know that sdk is integrated with free rtos
i want to create a new project to work with low level bsp apis with out free rtos
i do not want to use free rtos.
please provide me info regarding that..

DA 1468X

Thu, 2017-08-03 10:20--r.gaiati

I have a couple of question regarding the device DA1648X.
- USB: is it possible to configure this peripheral in order to support serial communciation with a PC, where it is detected as Virtual Com Port ?
- 2* UARTS: is it possible to configure and use those peripherals at the same time ? Is there any limitation with that ?
- Footprint: May you kindly tell me an estimation of the footprint of the Bluetooth stack for those devices ?

Thanks in advance for the help !
Kind regards
Riccardo Gaiati


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