
How to detect interrupt during UART Communication

Mon, 2017-09-04 10:16--Jun-ichi Tobe


Would you please tell me about interrupt handling during UART communication?

File: demo_uart_os.c
Function: ad_uart_read

Now I use it as follows. (Loop processing)

cnt = ad_uart_read (dev, buf, 10, 5000);
if (cnt> 0) {


Q1) How can I handle notification for receiving interrupts when data is received in the buffer
instead of continuing to read in the loop (polling process) as described above??

Bluetooth Direct Mode

Fri, 2017-09-01 08:21--gruszka


We need to implement the Bluetooth Direct Mode for CE/FCC testing. According to AN-B-043 the way to implement it is to use the plt_fw reference project, but in the readme (SDK 1.0.10) file in the project folder we can read that all necessary functions are "NOT mapped to a function handler". It also appears so in the plt_fw.c file. There are just few functions mapped in the plt_cmd_handlers[].
Is this firmware working correctly or is there something that needs to be done before using it? Or maybe there is some other way to implement BDM?

Question about sdk?

Fri, 2017-09-01 06:36--ramesh96421

Hi dialog support

i am exploring da14681 pro development board from past one month and using DA1468X_SDK_BLE_V1.08,
After brief study through sdk i come to know some points that low level hardware peripherals drivers are developed and integrated that llds with freertos to increase the availabilty of lld and increase system performance

Here my requirements are:

批量加载固件安大略省的o internal flash on DA14680

Wed, 2017-08-30 15:19--danielhope


We are at the production stage of our product and would like to know if it is possible to load a firmware image onto the internal flash on the DA14680 before the chip is soldered onto our board? e.g. is there a service provider/partner you know of who does this, or a chip programmer that supports the DA14680 in aQFN60 package?

We are looking for a way to optimise our production process and it is inconvenient for us to wait until after PCBA to flash via JTAG or serial.


sleep mode, wake up and key board scan

Tue, 2017-08-29 14:42--guxiang

hi, dialog
We use "kbscn_demo" project to do the experiment on DA14681 basic develop board. And were confused by some experiment phenomenons:
1. "pm_set_sleep_mode(pm_mode_extended_sleep);" was used in this project. But it seems that there is a delay for the device going to sleep mode and can see the board white LED "D1" were on last for about sevral second after system reset.
2. After the device enter sleep mode(white LED "D1" was off) , white LED "D1" will on for a very short time at about every 8 seconds .


Tue, 2017-08-29 13:39--Joffrey COFFINEAU


I'm working on a project using the DA1468x with SDK DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.8.1050.1.

For this project we need to run a critical section of about 400µs. And we use the Timer0 to trigger periodically this section.

We would like to run this section in the timer handler, but after few seconds we reach the following assert :

ASSERT_WARNING(ble_slp_delays_cnt < (BLE_MAX_DELAYS_ALLOWED + 1));

What is the consequence for BLE if this assert is true ?

What is the aim of the BLE_MAX_DELAYS_ALLOWED define ? How should it be configured ?

Wondering how to configure Brown Out Detection

Fri, 2017-08-25 15:32--dsandbue

Hello there,

I'd like to operate a DA14681 within an environment that is (sometimes) affected by short voltage interruptions. Usually, that's not a Problem and the mikrocontroller restarts after the power recovers. However, in rare cases (like 1 in 20), the Controller crashes on Startup and even the watchdog is unable to recover him.


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