
Need a Timer with runtime <1ms and need to toggle a Port (P4_3)

Thu, 2017-11-16 10:19--SvenHe

Hello together,

for a function I need a Timer with a 0.1ms runtime. How can i realize such a Timer with the DA14680?
The timers i found have a 1ms runtime.
When the timer is expired, the port P4_3 should toggle and change from high to low or the other way round.
How should this code looks like to steer the P4_3? An example would help me a lot.
I work with the DA14680 Development Board.

Thanking you in anticipation


DA14680 - charging lithium button cell battery

Thu, 2017-11-16 07:58--JohannesG

Hello there,

I want to charge a rechargeable lithium button cell battery (LIR 2450) with the DA14680 Development Board.
I tried the example of the Software Platform Reference, but it doesn't work! The battery stops to discharge when I connect a Voltage to VBUS (5V) but the charging doesn't starts.

When I tried it with two Ni-MH batteries, it charged.
Does anybody now a solution?

SmartSnippets build problem DA1468x - Newbie

Wed, 2017-11-15 15:16--RNardone


我有以下system configuration:
1) SDK workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.10.1072,
2) SmartSnippets studio v1.6.3.918
3) Windows 10 64-bit host

I am new to SmartSnippets, and have installed everything per UM-B-47. I downloaded everything from the dialog-semiconductor website this week. I import a project, and when I try to build it I get the following error:

Program "make" not found in PATH freertos_retarget C/C++ Problem

How to add assembly file into project

Wed, 2017-11-15 11:00--guxiang

We want to add a floating-point arithmetic library source code into project . The source code is comprised of several *.h , *.s file 。 But it reported error when calling the function from the *.s file:(for more detail please refer to the attachment file)
E:\DebugProject\BasicDevkit_DA1468x_SDK__v_1.0.6\projects\dk_apps\templates\freertos_retarget\DA14681-01-Release_QSPI/../main.c:414: undefined reference to `qfp_fadd'

Factory reset for all nvm data

Fri, 2017-11-10 13:19--uniben

SDK: 1.0.10-1072


I need a function to reset all nvm data to factory delivered state.

How can I reset(delete) all bonded devices data from generic partition without using ble_gap_unpair() for each single device?

I already tried this:
part = ad_nvms_open(NVMS_GENERIC_PART);
size = ad_nvms_get_size(part);
ad_nvms_erase_region(part, 0, size);

, but without success.

Many thanks for your help in advance.

Problem using SoC

Fri, 2017-11-10 11:41--matthieuW

I am trying to implement the soc function on my board using the sdk 10.0.10.
When using the pxp reporter project everything seems fine.
However when i implement the function in program, it seems to be an infinite loop in the pm_register_adapter function of the system_power_managment file.
I tried to increase dg_configPM_MAX_ADAPTERS_CNT setting as well as the freertos heap size with no result.

persistent user data

结婚,2017-11-08 14:55--uniben

Device = DA14681
SDK = 1.0.10-1072


I enabled BLE persistent storage (flash) for bonded devices, as described in sdk/interfaces/ble/readme.md and added my user data in platform_nvparam.h:

NVPARAM_VARPARAM(TAG_BLE_APP_NAME, 0x0000, 33) // uint8[29]
NVPARAM_PARAM (TAG_BLE_APP_MY_DEVICE, 0x0021, 8) // uint8[6]


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