
Available tools for DTM

Thu, 2018-08-30 08:08--POIRIER



I have seen that in SmartSnippet with RF master, we can download a special firmware then send commands to the device to make it sending unmodulated Tx. Unmodulated Tx is clear to me.
What does exactly the unmodulated Rx does? Does it return the RSSI on the given frequency in SmartSnippet?

On which pins is connected the UART on the device?
Can we change these pins?
Is there another interface than UART available to launch the tests?

DA14681 USB 接口电源问题

Mon, 2018-08-27 09:20--zed


Using C++

Sun, 2018-08-26 16:13--加唑

我需要使用对话框SDK使用C ++,但我无法设置它。
What I did was following the getting started tutorial, so I copied the ble_adv example.
Then I addedorg.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnatureto the .project file, to make it a C++ project.
I then modified the C++ linker settings to match the previous C ones (like linking the Bluetooth library) and renamed the main.c file to main.cpp.

gap pair completion status

Fri, 2018-08-24 13:53--ainwood87

I'm attempting to pair with a BLE peripheral using the function ble_gap_pair(). After some time I receive a response BLE_EVT_GAP_PAIR_COMPLETED, which is a structure ble_evt_gap_pair_completed_t. This structure contains an integer field called "status", which is the "completion status". I cannot find any documentation regarding the meaning of the completion status.

I assume that a value of 0 means success, but I have also seen the values 1 and 70. Where is the documentation for this field?

Data loss when upgraded to LE packet length extension feature

Thu, 2018-08-23 07:27--jetsonindustries

我们最近将我们的设备升级到BLE 4.2并实现了数据包长度扩展功能。

When testing, we find that there is a large amount of data loss when compared to BLE4.0 and no PLE. File size should be 140kb and comes across cleanly over BLE4.0 (very slowly) and the same file when sent with BLE4.2 is only 50kb and it comes across very quickly.

The app we use to receive the data is an android bluetooth terminal app and the device is operating on BLE5.0 so should be backwards compatible and support the PLE feature.


Wed, 2018-08-22 20:16--Jitendraprasad


I am working on pxp_reporter example and write application for some sensors and put the device in extended sleep mode. When device enter in sleep mode after 8 seconds device consume low power. Device wakeup on timer interrupt and read sensors data and record in flash. So, when timer trigger device wakeup but it get stuck somewhere.
After debugging I came to know the SPI handle (SPI open) value get changed in wakeup mode also changed variable values etc. I have enabled RAM RETANTION and configure GPIO in priph_int function in main.c file.

Issue with sleep mode in low voltage situation

星期二,2018-08-21 15:39--jetsonindustries

Hey Team,
We have a device using PXP_reporter project.
When we put the device in extended sleep mode, it advertises for 8 seconds then stops if the voltage is less than 2.90V.
如果the voltage is over 2.90V we don't have a problem and the device maintains advertising and operates fine.

enabling NTC to supervise charging will permanently drain current?

星期一,2018-08-20 16:13--roland237

Hello all,

I'm using the NTC in a resistor divider configuration according to the datasheet (Figure 21) in my design. It seems that the SDK enables the resistor divider by applying power to P1_4 with the following code in hw_usb_charger.h:

if(dg_configbattery_charge_ntc == 0){
/* Set P14 to output high (3.3V). */
GPIO->P1_PADPWR_CTRL_REG &= ~(1 << 4);
GPIO->P1_SET_DATA_REG = (1 << 4);
gpio-> p14_mode_reg = 0x300;

PLT broad Erase flash problem

星期四,2018-08-16 10:59--andoridfm2013

HI dialog,

I am currently using PLT broad for production testing, but keep getting "INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR" when PLT doing erase flash operation, if I don't select erase flash option, write flash is ok and my broad can boot. Also, the broad actually can erase the flash when I check the flash using jlink, so what would be to cost this problem, please help, thank you.

并且对于广泛而言,我只连接了RX TX VBAT和GND




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