

Tue, 2019-01-22 01:08--Linchaoran

1、pxp例子里关于充电电池配置文件custom_socf_battery_profile.h文件内的vol_chg_0_0 = 3067; //120mA charging,这个值是怎么算出来的,有公式吗,看了UM-B-075_DA1468x_State_of_Charge_Functionality_v1.2_0.pdf文档,需要一个硬件设备连接后才能使用,目前没有这个设备;
3、vol_dis_low_0和vol_dis_high_0 必须通过UM-B-075这个文档中应用程序测出吗,有其它方式吗?

Increase master SPI speed

Thu, 2019-01-17 21:18--SamsonLeoMarch

I am currently trying to get my SPI bus to operate at the datasheet listed 48MHz. My understanding is all I need to do is set up my initial clocks with the 96MHz PLL and then in the platform_devices.h just set my divider to the minimum (2). Unfortunately I can't seem to get my spi clock to run faster than 8MHz, which leads me to believe that the clock set up is not changing from 16MHz.

Here is the relevant code:

Output signal overshoots.

Mon, 2019-01-14 09:38--techteh

Hi Dialog,
I have designed a custom PCB based on DA14682 that includes some other devices like an SD Card and etc. When I configure one pin as an output and toggle that in high frequency (like SPI Clock or Timer output), the created signal overshoots and when this pin is SPI clock, SD Card doesn't work normally. Is there anyway to solve this problem?
- I have tested some other GPIOs for SPI clock and all of them have this problem.
- The SPI clock tested on 24, 12, 8, 6.85, 4, 2 and 1.14 MHz (both PLL96 and 16MHz Xtal).

Battery Charger And USB CDC

Thu, 2019-01-10 23:11--techteh

Hi dialog,
I have designed a custom PCB with DA14682 that uses USB CDC as a battery charger and data communication interface. In some cases I have a battery and i want to charge it with USB BUS, and in the other ones, I haven't any battery but still i want to use USB and communicate data. Is there any way to use USB CDC without battery presence?
Here is some config that I am using in custom_config_qspi.h:


Thu, 2019-01-10 11:16--liyehuan

Hi Dialog,

I'm using DA14683 DSPS peripheral connect with DA14585 DSPS host_dma. Two devices can make connection, but could not transmit/receive data. According to print message from DA14683, see as belows:

0> handle_evt_gap_connected: conn_idx=0000 address=80:ea:ca:de:ad:99 CI max is 24.
0> Peripheral updated CI min is 24, CI max is 24.
0> Peripheral exchanged MTU size is 247.


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