
how to use the demo of ble_multi_link application to communicate with central and periphral

Thu, 2019-09-05 11:03--Ryon


I want to use the multilink demo to connect the central and periphral.

now I have a question.

how they communicate with each other.

I use sps to communicate with cantral,but it is not work.

thank you



Wed, 2019-09-04 00:33--herrkaefer



1) 检测到 GPIO 值发生变化时, 直接读 Timer1 的寄存器值. 结果误差很大.

2) 使用 Timer1 的 GPIO trigger 功能, 需要定义 dg_configUSER_CAN_USE_TIMER1 和 dg_configUSE_HW_TIMER0. 结果: 编译不过, sys_power_mgr似乎不允许 dg_configUSER_CAN_USE_TIMER1 定义为 1.

3) 使用 Timer0, 设置on_reload 为 1, t0_reload 为 (0,0), 同时设置中断函数. 这样中断被调用的频率应该是 32k/4 = 8kHz. 在中断处理中查询 GPIO 值, 并做计数. 结果测得的时长总是 1 或 2 个 count.

请问这些方法哪种是可行的, 问题是什么? 有没有别的合适的解决办法? 谢谢!

System stuck at wakeup and no other buttons are working

Tue, 2019-09-03 13:06--mahmed106

Hi dialog

I am working on a custom board based on DA14681. I am using two buttons on GPIOs to perform some tasks and they are working perfectly.

Then i m using a GPIO, which is directly connected to USB Power. When USB is connected this GPIO goes high and i do a specfic task which is also working perfectly.


Fri, 2019-08-30 12:14--Ryon



参照这个文档External Interruption Tutoria 把按键作为外设中断,发现系统就是唤醒一下就立刻进入睡眠了,我想设置唤醒后保持pm_mode_active这种模式。然后按一下按键又可以进入pm_mode_extended_sleep睡眠模式。



HW_WKUP interrupt.

Thu, 2019-08-29 11:37--point85


I have followed the tutorial at:http://lpccs-docs.dialog-semiconductor.com/da1468x_external_interruption/implementation.htmlto get the hw_wkup to trigger an interrup on a GPIO pin. This is working well when the task is first run.

If i kill the task and then re-run the task the code gets stuck in a constant trigger of the callback even though the pin state is not changing.

Is this a bug in the hw_wkup control?

DA1468x high resolution timer

星期二,2019-08-27 18:30--herrkaefer

Hi Dialog,

I need a high resolution timer to record time elapsed between two GPIO events. Error <100 microseconds is required.

My explorations so far:

1) TIMER1 precision (31.25 microseconds) should be OK. But with `OS_GET_TICK_COUNT()` I can only get 2ms interval.

2) TIMER1->CAPTIM_TIMER_VAL_REG will give me a value loop from 0 to 65535, or about 2ms interval. So I can't use it directly to measure time difference larger than 2ms.


Tue, 2019-08-27 10:45--Ryon


但是我不知道在哪里设置以及要调用哪个API函数来设置。我尝试调用hw_cpm_activate_pad_latches()这个API函数 但是却没有作用


Active mode to hibernate mode

我的, 2019-08-26 16:53--powersquare

Dear Dialog team,

Thank you for your support.

We have custom board made from 14683. Application is based on ble_peripheral project. While one task reads the data from sensors, other task sends data to the mobile app, once connected.

We have 2 sensors, RTC, flash, 3 LEDs, vibrator connected to the board.

Our application will be in active mode during system init. We would like to bring the board to hibernate mode, when the button is pressed for 5 seconds. We observed that board goes to hibernate mode some times, but not always.

DA14681 goes into hibernation but after 2 wakeups it do not go again?

我的, 2019-08-26 14:11--mahmed106

Hi dialog

I am working on custom board based on DA1468x i am using command


to put it in hibernation. It goes into hiberanation and wakeups with external GPIO interrupt but after waking up 2 times it do not go into hibernation.

Is it related to that logic that hibernation mode is for ship devices to customer . When customer on the device then this piecce of code is disabled?

Is my understanding right?


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