

Thu, 2019-10-10 06:48--Linchaoran



DUT_INTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR | ERROR |Internal system error. Firmware is=[H:\1_study\dialog\da1458x_da1468x_plt_v_4.3.0.310 (1)\DA1458x_DA1468x_PLT_v_4.3.0.310\executables\binaries\uartboot_68x.bin].Current device status=[191].


DA14683 USB Dev Kit QSPI Flash Debugging

Tue, 2019-10-08 06:40--jacobrast


I am currently following theGetting Started guideto learn the hardward and software of the DA14683.

When debugging the program using RAM, all symbols are read correctly, I am able to insert breakpoints, and step through the code as normal.

However, when using the QSPI flash debugging I am shown "No source available for "0x13ce". The thread will repeatedly hit this breakpoint, and the code does not execute.

Where to report dialog security vulnerability?

Tue, 2019-10-01 08:18--mgarbelix@gmail.com

Hi, I need to report a vulnerability that I've found in Dialog's SDK, but it seems dialog doesn't have a PSIRT contact to receive vulnerability reports.

Is there a recommended contact email from dialog to report vulnerability details? Would sending technical details tosmartbond@diasemi.combe the correct email?


How to increase the length of time when wake up from wake up timer

Thu, 2019-09-26 09:49--Ryon


when my device in power-down mode(extended_sleep),it can wake up from wake up timer,but I found that my device quickly enter to power-down mode again.

my question is how to increase the length of time when wake up from wake up timer.

Because I need to execute a long code when wake up,but I found that my device will go to sleep again and my code has not been executed yet.

Adding Sensors into DA14681 Wearable DK

Tue, 2019-09-24 18:49--mrdobson


To give some background, I'm working with the DA14681 Wearable Development Kit and version 1.0.8 of the wearable SDK. I am using the "target_apps\wrbl" project from the software dev kit as a template.

I am adding a new sensor via I2C and have built a working driver for the new device. I have been able to successfully read from (via printf statements to the UART) and write to registers on the sensor with a set of simple dummy functions that I run in main.c at boot.

How to add the SUOTA build configuration?

Tue, 2019-09-24 16:23--yingfen


I want to use the SUOTA feature on my project. But my project does not include relevant build configuration (screenshot attached)


I don't find any related manual about how to include a new build configuration. So I try to import it from pxp_reporter, as the demo for SUOTA. (screenshot attached)


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