
Reliability of connections, data transfer.

Thu, 2018-08-02 12:52--Andrzej Richert

I noticed that reliability of data transfer is different for different variant of connections.
I prepare two sets of devices central-peripheral working in two connections variant due to test battery drain:
first variant - peripheral advertising, central connect with encryption, peripheral send data (20 bytes),
central disconnect after receiving data from peripheral
second variant - peripheral advertising, central connect with encryption, peripheral send data (20 bytes),
central does not disconnect, the connection is maintained


Mon, 2018-07-30 04:13--luodonghuan

1.“SmartSnippets->SPI Flash Programmer工具->连接、擦除、烧写” 请问正常流程是这样烧写的吗? 这样操作为什么我只能操作前32KB的内容?



Schematic design of the jumpers and pins of IoT Sensor and Development Kit

Mon, 2018-07-09 14:07--haopuiwang2

Dear Dialog,

I am working on my own design of using a DA14583 chip.
I am wondering what is the allocation of the TP1 to TP8 in the schematic of the IoT sensor and development kit.
Since I need to connect my board to the development kit for programming, and I have no idea how to connect the pins.

And Are the J4 and J5 on the development kit are the same?

SUOTA not working with ble_all_in_one example application, Invalid Product Header error

Thu, 2018-06-21 18:51--idarshan

我正在使用带有14583模块的对话框套件。尝试使用BLE_ALL_IN_ONE示例应用程序进行拟议。使用Google Play商店的Android的最新对话框应用程序。我按照suota_0.pdf遵循文档AN-B-010 DA14580以准备图像和闪烁并使用Android应用程序进行OTA。即使我按照正确的方式正确地进行操作,Android应用程序也会给出“无效产品标题”的错误。为什么这么做?14583设备用户指南中是否有一些东西?您可以查看申请并提供分辨率吗?

Support for increase range, antenna design

Wed, 2018-06-20 13:46--Andrzej Richert

We use DA14583 in our project.
Generally all work correctly, but one thing we are not enough good - operating range.
We searched the forum but not found satisfied information and we came to the conclusion to get in touch directly with the antenna designer.
Could you recommend an some application engineer which would help us to increase the range of DA14583 ?

ab的问题out waking up DA14583 by pressing a button

Tue, 2018-06-19 16:05--Elvis1991


Software: We are using DA14583 IoT Sensor for the reference design and run the RAW Project.
Hardware: The original design to control the power is based on a switcher, which means that when the switcher is off, the MCU will stop to work.
However, for real application, we would like to change the original switcher design to "softly" control, by entering the extended sleep mode and disable advertising if the button is not pressed.

As a result, we would like to revise the original firmware to realize the “wake-up“” function.



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