
help for bootloader over spi master

Tue, 2015-05-12 08:36--aihuazou

Hi :
on owner design , i have initialized the stm32 pins to the function of spi master according the AN-B-001 6.1 SECTION,and downloader the hex file of the "..\DA1458x_SDK_3.0.6\host_apps\da1458x\proximity\reporter\host_proxr", but bootloader the da14580 is failed. I have same question about it :
1、if Ishould modify the value of the first address of the OTP HEADER to 0x0000 because of the following cute coming from the AN-B-001SECTION 3
"DevMode will be entered when the OTP header contains a value zero at the first two addresses,

SUOTA Application Notes and speed question

Tue, 2015-05-12 06:40--xixixihaha

Dear Sir/Madam,
It was said that there will be application note available in the forum discussion.
Where can I find it? I want to know know to put image file onto iPhone.
BTW: I just tested Android SuOTA. It is crazy as the update process costs 10min+
As the image file is small (30K), it should you transferred to device with just several seconds. Right ?


Smart Tags and iOS

Mon, 2015-05-11 18:18--tony00001

Have just received two smart tag reference sample devices; when used with the SmartTags iOS app, the devices are recognised and the RSSI is correctly reported and updated, but neither the immediate alarm nor the distance alarm work at all. The warmer/hotter etc part of the app works fine. Has been tried on a couple of iPhones, both using iOS 8.3.

Cannot download Software development tools

Mon, 2015-05-11 16:49--MSS

In the Guide web, I cannot download the Latest SDK at 4.1( Software development tools). When I click the "download", I enter the web page "Sorry This Page Could Not Be Found You may need to register or log in to gain access to this content.".

But i have agreed the "Software Licence Agreement", but I have not received a approval e-mail.

How can I do next?

timing problem when programming with smart snippets

Mon, 2015-05-11 07:34--Anonymous (not verified)

Does anybody have any idea?

New Service Addition

Sun, 2015-05-10 12:48--Sam123

Hi Dialog Team,

I followed AN-B-029 document and was successful in adding new characteristic(notify/read) to my service. However, when i am adding a new characteristic(write/read), i am unable to write in it. Everytime it is showing "Writing to characteristic failed" when i am writing anything.Is there any document like AN-B-029 which will provide the steps? I am stuck in this.

However, now I want to add new services to the existing sample128. And my new service should contain the two characteristics. How should i implement it?Please help.

Blinky example loading failed.

Fri, 2015-05-08 16:24--jay


I use a DEVKT – Basic Kit from digikey and try to set it up and run the Blinky example.
After finish of the installation steps described in the
"User manual DA14580/581 Bluetooth Smart development kit – Basic UM-B-025".
It failed at loading with Keil.
没有发现算法为:20000000 h - 200012EBH
Erase skipped!"

The Keil version and the full error information is attached.
Is there any hint for this error?


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