
在空\u template \u ext项目中发送create \u db消息时未收到答复

Thu, 2020-06-11 09:21--tsgowtham


I am trying to modify the empty_template_ext project to use the cust1 profile. I added my characteristics details in the user_custs1_def.h/.c files and included "custs1.h" in user_profiles_config.h

When I send the message to create the cust1 DB, I do not receive any reply. I've attached a screenshot of the messages sent and received from the host(which is a modified version of the host_proxr project).

I've tested the working of the characteristics by modifying the prox_reporter_ext project and this had worked as expected.

How to increase the range of BLE using software

Thu, 2020-06-11 08:37--HarishKumar

Hi everyone,

We are in a critical situation. Our devices only can communicate properly within 3 feet. More than that they can't communicate.

I'm using DA14580 and 5.0.4 SDK

How to increase the range using software settings?can we do withtransmit power & receiver sensitivity?

How to increase the transmit power (more than 0dBm ex +1dBm,+3dBm)

How to change the receiver sensitivity?

As of now, I'm using a ble_peripheral example.



DA9062 ICP Programmer - Incompatible with Xilinx Vivado

Wed, 2020-06-10 14:58--tentner


we are using the DA9062 together with a Xilinx Zynq (I think this combination is also advertised by Dialog...).

然而,在开始大规模生产时,我们遇到了一个非常恼人的问题:我们不能在Vivado Lab(Xilinx程序员)的同一台计算机上安装ICP程序:

One of both will not work. My guess is e.g. a conflicting USB driver.

Do you have any ideas how we could analyze / fix this issue?



I2C voltage level

Mon, 2020-06-08 17:44--aectaan

Hello GreenPAK team,

I have a board design with DA14695 and SLG46826. For some reasons, I should supply SLG46826 with a 5V source. I made all GPAK outputs, connected to MCU, as open-drain, pulled up to MCU VDD and it looks correct. But I have a little misunderstanding: in the datasheet, page 19, table 7 I see min Vih = 0.7Vdd, 3.5V in my case, what is not acceptable for DA14695. But in GreenPAK6 Designer I see another data for 5V supply: Vih = 2.494V and Vil = 2.227V, what is acceptable. Which one is right? In datasheet or in GPAK Designer?

BR, Egor

Part Markings

Fri, 2020-06-05 23:28--RobertLengyel


Let's say I have 2-5 different designs using the SLG46620G part for example, but I want to differentiate these parts for our customers. How would I go about remarking the IC's with our custom part numbers + logo? Is this something Dialog can/would do or is there another solution we can use for now? I would like to avoid any kind of manual griding process, or advanced automated laser engraving machinery with a large financial burden for obvious reasons.


Thu, 2020-06-04 12:36--GGQ_in

你好,我用DA14580和GD25D10C flash烧写 OTA.bin文件,当烧写完复位后蓝牙没广播,当我烧写完复位后,再DEBUG二次引导文件蓝牙才从运行了我烧写的程序(开始广播),文件夹中是二次引导和flsh_programmer工程中的部分调试截图。请问这种情况是二次引导文件烧写问题还是flsh_programmer工程的问题?

Issues with using JLink on custom DA14580 board

Wed, 2020-06-03 12:49--tsgowtham


我有2个自定义DA14580板,并面临着一个问题,而试图与Keil调试。当我进入调试设置并按scan时,最初它检测到显示cortex m0。但几秒钟后它就探测不到了。目前,即使在短时间内也无法检测到m0。

The debugger gives 2.8V at the DA14580's VBAT.

Any methods on how I could debug this issue or what could cause this?


Power supply

Wed, 2020-06-03 02:59--Yuseungho


When I use the GPAK with bread board and some discrete components,

I tried without USB cable connected, and connect the VDD pin to power supply, it seems not working.

Do I need to connect the USB cable with GPAK to power up? Or just connnect the VDD pin on GPAK to 5V power supply?

In addition, in GPAK Designer program emluation mode, the LED on advanced board was turned on depending on the output.

Does the LED turn on depending on the output even in practical application?

