
Can the Audio and Tactile Amplitude JNDs are also valid for the perception of amplitude decrease ?

Wed, 2020-09-30 19:01--markkevin123

I am currently studying the perception of audio-tactile envelope asynchronous perception.

For this research, it is important for me to know the audio and tactile just noticeable difference for amplitude decrease (volume drop). But, I could not find any literature talking about this specific subject.

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DA9053 buckpro and buckperi relationship

Wed, 2020-09-30 10:50--jeremye


I can't explain this voltage drop simply from excess load on the vbuckpro supply, however I see in the datasheet that the BUCKPRO regulator shares a "common supply with BUCKPERI" (da9053_datasheet_2v1_0_168031).

Is it possible that a high load on the vbuckperi supply could reduce the available current draw on the vbuckpro supply?

Simulator Not working

Tue, 2020-09-29 17:05--nik33


I have created a logic using SLG46826V chip in GreenPAK Designer. When I tried Software Simulation option, it started and finishes till 100% but does not show plot even if i clicked on show plots option it does not show any plots. I have check different timing options but it didnt work. I saw this issue for the first time. Please could you suggest me.

Best regards,

Nikhil A.

DA9063- purchasing and programming problems

Tue, 2020-09-29 14:48--max.borisov


Long story short, we have our custom PCB with DA9063 and now are strugglingreal bad:

- need blank parts to program it according to our design specific power sequence and output configurations, but it seems there is nothing currently in stock, and lead time is terrible long
- for programming and testing we need ICP programming kit(correct me in case of wrong naming) and at least one socketed evalboard, but same problem like nothing in stock

DA7212 i2s frequency changing dynamically

Sun, 2020-09-27 05:20--keyou


We are currently evaluating DA7212 for an application where we need to change between sample rate frequency occasionally where the DA7212 will be the I2S master. Specifically, we are interested in a frequency change of 48kHz to 16kHz and 16kHz to 48kHz.

1. Will we need to reset the chip in order to change sample rate frequency or can it be changed while operating?

If it can be changed while operating,

2. Which registers needs to be changed?

3. What will be the delay before the I2S frequency changes?


Sun, 2020-09-27 03:45--JackLinZero


你们好,我发现把官方SDK的ble_app_sleepmode的休眠模式设置为extended sleep之后,程序在一开头是可以正常广播的,但在一段时间后,我发现板子不正常广播,请问这个可以让它一直广播吗?


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