
DA14531 Practical Data Pump Throughput

太阳,2021-02-07 02:23--rossgbaker2

I understand that the DA14531 supports 1 Mbps operation and not 2 Mbps data rates. What is a practical maximum actual data rate in a good near-field situation? I am assuming that a large value of MTU will be beneficial under these conditions. A possible use case would be trying to transport up to 1 gigabit of data in one direction with minimal data in the other direction. A 16 Mbps SPI data link to the chip is expected with negligible time spent negotiating that bus.

current consumption and deep sleep

Tue, 2021-02-02 16:13--sna


I have problem with current consumption in deep sleep with my DA14531Mod.

I have right now 0.012 uA in deep sleep mode but according data sheet it has to be ~0.005 uA

I use temperture measurement SPI chip MAX6675.

I also need access to flash and for MAX6675 I use software SPI (GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_PIN_8, GPIO_PIN_9)

I use DA14531-DA14585-586_Ble_Button_Wakeup example as base project for my deep sleep.

Before sleep I make setup with my pins

Missing JTAG Communication DA14531

Tue, 2021-02-02 14:37--alecerizza

Hello, We are realizing a little board with DA14531 so to add BLE interface to our products. On 10 first samples rrealized only one is able to be programmed via JTAG interface using SmartSnippets Toolbox.

The error is a missing communication:


Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.

No known chip found while opening JLink connection. Terminating proccess...

Processor not waking up from sleep when running from RAM

Mon, 2021-02-01 18:42--AA_38901301


我在自定义使用DA14531处理器板have built. My application code works fine when debugging using JTAG: board goes to sleep and wakes up from sleep (using GPIO interrupt) perfectly! But when running from RAM, without JTAG, the board does not wake-up from sleep using GPIO interrupt (It stays in sleep once it enters sleep mode). BLE advertisement is working fine and I can make connection to the board. Has anyone faced a similar issue before? I am new to Dialog processors.

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance, AA

prox_reporter rtc_interrupt_hdlr trips twice when in ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON

Thu, 2021-01-28 07:04--andrewl

Hi, folks,

I've been tracking a fairly irritating bug, and I finally managed to reproduce it on Dialog sample code. I set up the prox_reporter with CFG_EXT_SLEEP_WAKEUP_RTC so that it will wake up from sleep via the RTC.

When I run the prox_reporter with ARCH_SLEEP_OFF, everything runs just fine. The rtc_interrupt_hdlr trips once every 20 seconds (10 seconds of advertising and 10 seconds before the RTC hits). That's all just ducky.

DA14531 disconnect error

Thu, 2021-01-28 03:17--wpc

Hi dialog:

I use DA14531 as peripheral device and found that my program would usually enter

//We are not in Connected State ASSERT_ERROR(0);

ingapc_disconnect_ind_handleratapp_task.cwhen the central disconnects. I checked the state of app task and it's APP_DISABLED. I searched the project and didn't found where the code set the state. So what should I do to locate the problem?


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