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Karthikeyan S
Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-03-25 10:06
Flashing External Memory,OTP and SRAM

Dear Sir,
I have following connections
External SPI flash is connected in following pins

SPI_CLK - P0_0
SPI_CS - P0_3
SPI_DO - P0_5
SPI_DI - P0_6

JTAG is connected in following Pins and made as standard 10X2 JTAG connector,
Three Pins SWDIO ,SWCLK and RST are taken from JTAG Connector and connected Processor SWD pins, remaining pins are connected as standard JTAG connection

My Question is , can I program External SPI flash by simply connecting J-link 20 pin Debugger and also Can I program SRAM and OTP memory through Smart snippets or Is there any extra connections are needed to implement Ext SPI Flash Programming, SRAM Programming, OTP Programming

Thanks & Regards,
Karthikeyan S.

Last seen:2 months 2 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Karthikeyan S,

Hi Karthikeyan S,

In smart snippets you can use the JTAG interface in order to program the SPI flash. Please check the following posthttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/programming-da14580-swdfor some more info regarding the connections.

Thanks MT_dialog

Karthikeyan S
Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-03-25 10:06

我说上面的链接,我有一个more doubt.
To Program only Ext flash , Do we require VPP,P0_4,P0_5.
P0_4 and P0_5 are UART pins and I am going to flash through JTAG connector. Is it possible to Program Ext flash through JTAG Connector SWDIO,SWCLK,RESET pins or Do we require UART Pins . Kindly Share your comments.

Last seen:2 months 2 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Karthikeyan S,

Hi Karthikeyan S,

Yes you can use/burn the SPI flash using the JTAG connections and without using the UART. Also since you dont want to burn the OTP you can skip the VPP as well.

Thanks MT_dialog