Trying to test out directed advertising starting with the "ble_app_peripheral" example in SDK5. When I initiate directed advertising, the stack immediately returns a GAP error code 65 (GAP_ERR_PROTOCOL_PROBLEM). The code comments and RW documentation are very terse regarding this error. What types of issues cause this error?
Undirected advertising works correctly.
Hi James,
I assume that you are using the api app_easy_gap_directed_advertise_start of the directed advertise() function, please in the create message app_easy_gap_directed_advertise_start_create_msg try to set the members intv_min and intv_max of the gapm_start_advertise_cmd struct(set a value equal to160 for both of them for example)。他们要去be ignored but it seems that the stack performs sanity checks to these as well in order to start advertising directly.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thank you, setting the directed advertising intervals to 160 allowed directed advertising to begin. Is this unexpected behavior documented anywhere that I missed?
Hi James,
No, you haven't missed any note since this behaviour isn't documented anywhere. I ve issued an internal ticket to the team to include this issue in an application note and into the next SDK release.
Thanks MT_dialog
Does the stack support low duty cycle directed advertising, which was added in BLE 4.1?
Hi James,
Unfortunatelly no, as far as i now the stack doesn't support this kind of configuration in directed advertising mode.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for the info.