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Craig Flanagan
Last seen:2 years 11 months ago
加入:2016-04-25 20:17
Antenna Question

Hello I am laying a board out with the DA14583 which will be quite similar to the IOT
board. I am looking at the antenna and can't determine what the component
R27 is. I am sending you the schematic of the board. Can you
help me? Thanks. Craig

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

You mean the 0 value resistor ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:2 years 11 months ago
加入:2016-04-25 20:17
OK yes I see now that is a

OK yes I see now that is a zero ohm resistor but I cant find the type of ceramic antenna used. I understand it is possibly from Johansson Technology but I don't have a part number as I don't see a BOM with the number on it for this IOT design. Thank you for your help.

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

You can find all those info in the UM-B-064 da14583 IoT sensor hardware reference application on page 13 paragraph 5.4 Antenna type.

Thanks MT_dialog