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Guillaume FERLIN
Last seen:6 years 3 months ago
Joined:2014-12-12 16:26
PAN1740 current measurement noise


I am evaluating PAN1740 module and I try to measure precise current comsuption. I programmed proximity reporter fully hosted sample application using extended deep sleep from Dialog SDK 3.0.6. I plugged custom current measurement board in place of 0 ohm resistor (R28) connected to module VDD. Shunt resistor and gain can vary. Current measure obtained is more or less consistent with datasheet (between 2uA and 7uA) and there is additionnal "noise" with frequency around 150Hz and amplitude above 10uA.
Is there a proper way to measure PAN1740 module sleep consumption?

Best regards,

Last seen:4 months 1 day ago
Guru Panasonic
Joined:2014-01-16 11:19
Hi Guillaume, R28 is the

Hi Guillaume, R28 is the right resistor to remove and measure the current draw. Can you send a screenshot of the noise you see towireless@eu.panasonic.comso we can take a look at it? Our team is on Christmas break and back in January CW2.
I wish you a nice Christmas and happy new year,

Guillaume FERLIN
Last seen:6 years 3 months ago
Joined:2014-12-12 16:26
Thanks for the anwser. I sent

Thanks for the anwser. I sent you a screenshot. Have nice holidays.

Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
Joined:2016-04-14 07:03

I was able to measure current consumption of PAN1740 by removing R28 and usb powered. If I use a external supply at R28(removed) my current consumption is more than the earlier readings. What is the problem ? Is any other IC is drawing current?

Last seen:4 months 1 day ago
Guru Panasonic
Joined:2014-01-16 11:19
Hello Bharath,

Hello Bharath,

please refer to the application notehttp://pideu.panasonic.de/produkte/Funkmodule/bluetooth/bluetooth-40-low...
There is the schematic.

Best regards,

Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
Joined:2016-04-14 07:03
I have went through the

I have went through the schematics. There are no other IC's being powered. But Why there is a variation in current consumption when I use a external Supply?
Is it because the board has only one common ground? How can I separate the GND of the J-Link IC from the BLE?

Last seen:4 months 1 day ago
Guru Panasonic
Joined:2014-01-16 11:19
Hi Bharat,

Hi Bharat,
you could demount all other components from the dongle. Elswhere the port pins of the controller can draw current that results in the difference.
设计不是为这样的应用程序和basically it is made for software evaluation.
For current measurement the Pro-Kit is a better solution.
Best regards,

Last seen:1 year 5 months ago
Joined:2016-04-14 07:03
What does break out module in

What does break out module in the document mean? I will try demounting the connections.

Thank you

Last seen:4 months 1 day ago
Guru Panasonic
Joined:2014-01-16 11:19
This means it is the area

This means it is the area where you have access to the I/O ports.