I am trying to understand how the UART2 Receive interrupt callback flow works, can somebody help me out please?
In the example uart2_async provided in peripheral_examples in SDK , the method UART2_Handler calls uart2_rec_data_available_isr , but I don’t understand what is calling the UART2_Handler method itself.
Also there is a UART2_Handler_func method that doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere. Can someone please shed some light on how this is set up, so I can use it correctly ?
Hi ankitdaf,
The UART2_Handler is the default (ISR) handler for UART2 interrupt, check the boot_vector.s file.
Thanks MT_dialog
hello ,I meet the same problem. different : uart2_tx is P1_2, uart2_rx is P1_3.
uart2 can send data, but UART2_Handler can not trigger 。
how this is set up, so I can use it correctly ?
Please check in the SDK5 in the peripheral examples the uart2_async project, you can check the implementation of the project which uses interrupt in UART transmition and reception.
Thanks MT_dialog