Production test (prod_test) without external XTAL

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Slava Grinshpun
Last seen:4 years 8 months ago
加入:2016-02-15 18:04
Production test (prod_test) without external XTAL


I'm trying to run "prod_test" on our board which is very similar to EVB (murata p2ml3656) except the XTAL is not connected on.
I'm downloading the FW using jtag but after the download is successfully downloaded I'm unable to establish UART communication via P0_4 P0_5 using Communication Manager utility.
Same procedure working fine on EVB.
DSPS is working fine on our board using P0_4 P0_5 as UART we are never entering into sleep in our application.
It seems like the "prod_test" is enters to sleep right after initialization.
Is the lack of external XTAL on our board can cause to "prod_test" never wake-up?
How can I avoid the enter to sleep in "prod_test"?


Last seen:3 weeks 5 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Slava,

Hi Slava,

你提到的晶体不是欺诈nected, i suppose that you mean the XTAL32 for the low power clock. The prod_test is using the RCX20 for low power clock so even with no XTAL32 the device should be ok. Also the prod_test doesn't sleep when operating, after you download it using keil for example, you should be able to send the commands described in UM-B-008 and with the sleep commands you can set your device to sleep for desired amount of time and wake up automatically.

Thanks MT_dialog