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Karthikeyan S
Last seen:4 years 11 months ago
加入:2016-03-25 10:06
Programming Voltage VPP

In IoT Sensor Development there is VPP which needs 6.8V for OTP Programming from where it get supplied. If we see all other board like DA146580/DA14583 Dev Kit PRO and Basic, there is DC-DC converter which will generate 6.8V for VPP so in IoT sensor Kit from where 6.8 V is getting generated. I think it is coming from the JTAG Connector, Is it so. Please let me know which JTAG Connector is providing 6.8V.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Karthikeyan S,

Hi Karthikeyan S,

The IoT sensor board comes with an interface board in order to program it, this board supplies the IoT board with the 6.8V supply in order to program the OTP, through the JTAG connector. You can find all the nessecary schematics of the IoT board in the 14583 section in the Development kits tab.

Thanks MT_dialog

Karthikeyan S
Last seen:4 years 11 months ago
加入:2016-03-25 10:06
Dear MT_dialog,

Dear MT_dialog,
I can get the DA14583 IoT sensor Board schematic but I could not find IoT DK Communication Interface Board schematic. Kindly help me to get the schematic
Thanks in Advance,

Warm regards,

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Karthikeyan S,

Hi Karthikeyan S,

Sorry but there is no on line shematic available for the interface board at the moment.

Thanks MT_dialog