Application ROM size and RAM availablity

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Last seen:5 years 3 weeks ago
加入:2016-03-21 12:36
Application ROM size and RAM availablity


we are evaluating DA14583 max capabilities.
The datasheet states the following:

3.4 B :
When the system boots/
wakes up, the DMA of the OTP controller will automatically
copy the secondary boot loader from OTP to system
RAM。这引导加载程序然后复制控制ent of
the Flash memory into system RAM. Next, a software
reset or a jump to the system RAM occurs and execution
of the application code is started.

From my understanding this means there can't be larger software in flash then the absolute max of (42K SysRAM - used RAM ).
What does the remaining ~58K of flash do? How can i make use of it?

thank you


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Fabian,

Hi Fabian,

Yes you 're right, you can't write software that exceeds the 42K SYSRAM also as you can understand you cant use the all the 42K of the SYSRAM as well since parts of the RAM are used by the stack, exchanged memory etc. The extra space is for application specific purposes, store data, use the SUOTA feature, application specific data etc.

Thanks MT_dialog

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