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Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-11-27 14:24
about the risk for the 14583

Hi Dialog,

When I checking the document"DA14580-01-KnownLimitations_2014_03_19.pdf" and "DA14580-00-KnownLimitations_2014_01_29.pdf" it says the risk concerning P12 and P13, is there any similar risks for the 14583 to have the problem?

Also When I am using P10 from the 14583, seems it can not used as output, do you know why?

Is there any risk to use P22 as output or input of the 14583?


Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

The 583 is a 580 with an embedded flash and the limitations that there is for the 580 are for the 583 as well. You should be able to use the P10 as an output, its the pin that it uses the LED on the dev kits (pro and basic), just try to run a simple program and toggle the LED. The only considerations i am aware, are the four SPI pins during the booting procedure that are indicated by the datasheet.

Thanks MT_dialog