JTAG connection after wake-up from extended sleep

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Last seen:1 year 3 months ago
加入:2014-06-03 10:57
JTAG connection after wake-up from extended sleep

Dear Dialog,

We're developing a product that should consume as less as possible current from the battery. Until 2 weeks ago, we didn't bother using extended sleep in the DA14583 as other components on the PCB consumed much more than the DA14583 in normal mode. We managed to get them so far down, that the DA14583 was next on the list as it then was the biggest consumer that was left.

Until then, we had a development software image in flash that didn't use any sleep mode, and we could nicely attach JTAG, reset the board and after that download a development software version into RAM to try out some things.
Two weeks ago, we started testing with extended sleep development images through JTAG in the same manner, keeping the current development software image in flash that didn't use any sleep mode.
Yesterday, we flashed such a development image that uses extended sleep into the flash, after that, we cannot access the DA14583 anymore through JTAG, as expected in sleep mode it won't but not even when it is actually woken out of extended sleep. Reading throughthis post, apparently there is no way to attach JTAG anymore. We're not looking for a runtime debugging session to re-attach, we just need to be able to try out development images from RAM again.

So the question is, can I regain access to the DA14583 via JTAG when there is a software image running that uses any kind of sleep mode?

Ps. Our RST line is permanently tied to GND.

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi paul.deboer,

Hi paul.deboer,

You can erase the flash of the DA14583 using smart snippets and boot from jtag or if you dont want to erase the flash you can press the reset button and right after hit the debug button, the timing is very strict though.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 3 months ago
加入:2014-06-03 10:57

From what I understand is that when the DA14583 is in extended sleep, the SmartSnippets cannot connect through JTAG as extended sleep means that the JTAG interface is disabled upon start of the processor (and never re-enabled again). So why should SmartSnippets be able to access the Cortex through JTAG? We tried to do so anyway but indeed it doesn't work.

Instead, we followed the 'reset' button way and connected the JTAG reset (inversed signal) to the RST pin (untied from GND) of the DA14583. What we expected is that this would have worked, as you suggested. Instead, this also doesn't help in getting SmartSnippets gaining access to the RAM. Did I misinterpret you?

Last seen:1 year 3 months ago
加入:2014-06-03 10:57
Does http://support.dialog
Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi paul.deboer,

Hi paul.deboer,

When the device is in extended sleep you should be able to connect to Smart Snippets, since it issues a reset to the device upon connection in order to download the flash programmer and burn or erase, etc your flash. If you have burned your flash you wont be able to download code into the sysram using keil since when the 580 is in extended sleep the device has the JTAG disabled, if you hit reset then you have the chance to donwload code througn keil using JTAG. Please check your connections and make sure the pins in the Board Setup tab in the SPI Flash pin configuration are the proper ones (in order to erase the Flash), also what is the output of smart snippets when you press connect when trying to erase the Flash ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 10 months ago
加入:2016-02-20 20:10
Thanks MT_dialog!

Thanks MT_dialog!
I got the same problem. Reset worked for me.