SmartSnippets flash burn failure

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Last seen:5 years 1 day ago
加入:2015-12-14 08:35
SmartSnippets flash burn failure

Hello Dialog,

I'm using SmartSnippets v3.9 in order to flash the chip. Using the SPI Flash Programmer I am able to connect and read 32KB from the flash, but I cannot burn or erase anything. I get the error "Memory burning failed". After this, if I try to read I get "Failed reading memory", until I connect again to the chip. So I guess I'm losing the connection somehow when I'm trying to burn...?
我在十六进制文件to download is fine. When I'm using uVision I can enter debug mode on this chip and everything works well.

Can you please tell me the possible causes for this error?

Thank you,

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Cosmin,

Hi Cosmin,

Sounds weird to lose connection when you want to perform an erase or a burning on the Flash. When you read the memory what is the result of Smart Snippets ? I mean do you get zeros in your memory or do you get 0xFF. If you are getting zeros you ain't reading the memory. Please check the Board setup (the first button option in smart snippets) when Smart Snippets starts and you choose your device (14583 in your case) sometimes the sw changes the pins for the flash. Therefore check the SPI Flash pin configuration, they should be 2_0 - CLK, 2_3 - CS, 2_4 - MISO, 2_9 - MOSI.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 1 day ago
加入:2015-12-14 08:35


The problem was from my hardware, with the SPI connections to the dialog chip. Sorry for wasting your time. I should have checked the connections sooner.

Thank you for your rapid response.

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Cosmin,

Hi Cosmin,

No problem, glad you found it.

Thanks MT_dialog