You can connect your custom board on a development kit and program your OTP througn Smart Snippets. For instance if you use a Basic kit or a Pro kit you can make the following connections:
VDD 3.3V, GND and the VPP 6.8 volts (if you want to burn the OTP) from the corresponding pins of the development kit.
Then you can use Smart Snippets, connect to your custom board, select the OTP tab in order to get the OTP NVDS/image/Header tabs hit the connect button and burn your OTP image/Header/NVDS.
You can use either the jtag or the UART to burn the OTP. The production line tool uses only the uart interface to interact with the da. If you dont use the PLT tool and you want to program the da by using your dev kit you can connect via jtag with the above connections. You can also use the UART connections to program your chip using your interface board. Keep the current connections for GND, VDD, VPP (if needed) and switch the jtag connections with UART Rx and Tx.
Hi achao1104,
You can connect your custom board on a development kit and program your OTP througn Smart Snippets. For instance if you use a Basic kit or a Pro kit you can make the following connections:
VDD 3.3V, GND and the VPP 6.8 volts (if you want to burn the OTP) from the corresponding pins of the development kit.
Then you can use Smart Snippets, connect to your custom board, select the OTP tab in order to get the OTP NVDS/image/Header tabs hit the connect button and burn your OTP image/Header/NVDS.
Thanks MT_dialog
In the production line tool manual, I see it burns OTP through uart, here we use jtag?
Hi achao1104,
You can use either the jtag or the UART to burn the OTP. The production line tool uses only the uart interface to interact with the da. If you dont use the PLT tool and you want to program the da by using your dev kit you can connect via jtag with the above connections. You can also use the UART connections to program your chip using your interface board. Keep the current connections for GND, VDD, VPP (if needed) and switch the jtag connections with UART Rx and Tx.
Thanks MT_dialog