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Last seen:4 years 6 months ago
加入:2015-07-19 13:27
RF not working DA14580

Using the DA14580, after playing with the dev kit, layed out our own boards with the Murata ZY module.
We have disabled flow control (HW and SW), and disabled sleep. Is that legal? Can we achieve maximum data rate this way?
We managed to send packets of 30 bytes, to achieve ~900byte/sec, but when sending 100 byte packets via the serial com, the device stopped responding. We can still burn data to the external flash memory, but the device's RF units seems to be permanently disabled. Even after burning the original DSPS software, the device still does not function.
Tested on another unit with same results.

Last seen:1 month 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi eyalt,

Hi eyalt,

You can disable the HW and SW flow control but only if the device doesn't sleep, if you disable HW/SW and enable sleep you are going to lose data. The maximum data rates that the dsps can achieve are documented in the dsps application note (UM-B-038) and its depended on the baud rate, the maximum MTU and the connection interval nagotiated with the host. About the device not functioning permanently after modifing the software and RF unit not working, does the device advertises? is the code executing ?

Thanks MT_dialog