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Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2014-11-17 19:20

Hello Dialog,

I incorporated your PCB antenna design to make a circuit like the one that you have on your QFN48 module described in document UM-B-036. However, my PCB manufacturer cannot make copper as thin as .018mm and the smallest that can be done is .035mm. Will the antenna's performance be significantly degraded with a thicker antenna?


Last seen:8 months 1 week ago
加入:2013-12-05 14:44
Hi svl0822,

Hi svl0822,

it will not make big changes in its properties, but indeed a little mismatching and mistuning would occur.
The effective length of the antenna will be about 2% less, and it's impedance also will decrease by the same amount I believe.

By applying and tuning the antenna matching network this variation could be compensated for. Not sure it's worth the trouble.
A housing around your design will have more impact on the antenna performance.

Best regards, BB_Dialog.
Dialog BLE Support.

Last seen:11 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2014-10-16 05:08
Hi BB_Dialog,

Hi BB_Dialog,

My manufacturer told me that, there is not NC drill layer. So they cannot product it.
Could you kindly send me the gerber files about PCB trace antenna reference design?


Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ohtcom,

Hi ohtcom,

You can find the PCB trace antenna ref des in the Reference design tab in the trace antenna PCB.


Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49


Where i looked into Reference design as below:
- Proximity Tag
- Battery Powered Beacon both has PCB trace antenna (Similar to MIFA)

I would like to know, Which of this reference design has better antenna performance, so that i can follow the respective reference design?
It would be great if you can provide some test report of the same.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

Information regarding the performance of the printed antena's used on the reference designs can be found in the AN-B-027 document, in that document different antenna implementations are examined and evaluated, measurements regarding the Return Loss and Radiation Patterns are attached for every antenna that is referenced on the document.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT_dialog.

Hi MT_dialog.

Thanks for your quick support, It will help us on antenna design.

Apart from this can you please help me on below query:
- I want to have to DA14583 Dev kit schematic design files for reference, Can you please provide the same?

- As we want to measure 2 seperate battery(CR2032) voltage level, Where one will be measured through internal VBAT3 battery level measurement. for another we require to connect Vbat to ADC IN with resistor devider. Can you please confirm the Internal ADC reference will be at 1.2V?

- Does DA14583 support Brownout or Voltage supervisor? To keep SoC in Reset state while VBAT is below threshold.

Looking for your quick support.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

You will be able to find the all the available schematics for the 583 duaghterboard, if you choose from the products link the 14583 option and then navigate to the
Development kits tab, choose the pro or the basic kit, and at the bottom of the page you will find the schematics, gerbers, BOM and Layout files of the board.

Yes the ADC reference as defined in the datasheet is 1.2V and with the X3 attenuator reaches up to 3.6V.

No, the 58x family isn't equiped with Brownout detection of Voltage supervisor.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

Thanks for your continuous support,

As mentioned it has internal ADC ref=1.2V with attenuatorx3,

- In datasheet it mentions, DA14583 cold bootup should be avoided if Vbat<2.5V. Does that mean below Vbat <2.5V, SoC will not be functional?

- For Vbat<2.5V, Does it means SoC should not be rebooted from either OTP or Internal Flash memory?

- As mentioned in DA14580, it has some issue as "Using P1-2, P1-3 pins as toggling this GPIo increases PER in RF performance", Is there any such precaution required in DA14583 or this issue is resolved here?

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

你不需要使用任何端口/针在订货单r to measure the battery voltage, the 58x has additional channels for measuring internal voltages and the battery voltage, if you take a look at the peripheral_examples in the SDK you will find an example that measures the battery voltage and uses the internal channels for this, or you can have a look in the datasheet and check the GP_ADC_CTRL_REG and the GP_ADC_SEL field.

-Regarding operating at VBAT<2.5V, the device will work, but this is the voltage threshold that Dialog guarantee's that the device will operate without any issues.

-I dont get the question, can you please clarify.

-Yes the same precaution stands for the 583 as well for pins P1_2 and P1_3 since its available only in QFN package.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

Thank you once again for your support,

- I do understand that DA1458x can measure battery voltage without any external pin input(connection). But in our application, I have two batteries to be monitor as below:
1) 一个电池CR2032将为DA14583 SoC供电,为了测量电池电量,我可以使用内部ADC功能。
2) Second CR2032 will be powering external application circuit, To measure second battery voltage level, Do i need to have external resistor divider of 1.2V or is it possible to use internal 3Xattenuator? To achieve this is there any specific pin or can use any channel of ADC?

- Our concern for VBAT<2.5V, is as below:
1) So as per your suggestion, DA14583 will work upto VBAT=2.35V instead of VBAT=2.5V. Am i getting it correct?
2) limitation of cold boot when VBAT<2.5V, Is this limitation applicable to only OTP memory or Internal Flash memory aswell?
3) We are not planning to use OTP memory of DA14583 (using only internal flash-1Mbit), Is there any issue applicable here at VBAT<2.5V?

- Is it ok to not use external Brownout Voltage supervisor IC, As DA1458x doesn't have it inbuilt? what may happen if i don't use Brownout IC? (We have replaceable Battery in product)

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

Awaiting your quick response here, to finalize the BLE SoC selection.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

The internal reference of the ADC is 1.2V with the attenuator can reach about 3.6V so, you can use the internal attenuator if the battery is up to 3.6V.

Regarding the VBAT, as mentioned above the device operates as it should be in voltages over 2.5V regardless if the OTP is used by user or not (the 583 uses the OTP in
order to read some values from the OTP header and also in order to mirror the bootloader of the 583 which is burned in the OTP).

Yes you could use an external supervisor IC, if used you can avoid going in undefined states when the power rails is over or under voltaged in cases when replacing the battery etc.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

I would like to have your feedback on below quick questions:

Battery Measurement:
- What is the current requirement for internal 3x attenuator? (Which will be power efficient internal 3x Attenuator or External resistor devidor?)

Power consumption:
- Is there any calculation sheet or way to find power consumption of DA14583 SoC? (Advertising Inteval:100msec, DataByte: 31 Byte)

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

- The ADC has a typical supply current of 5uA at 100 ksamples regarding the current requirement (as mentioned in the datasheet) on the case with or without the attenuator the impedance of the ADC is infinite and with the attenuator is about 300K, so what is more efficient (with or without and with an external volatge divider) depends on your application.

- No, there is no power consumption sheet indicating the power consumption of the 583 in different advertisiing intervals.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

In my application, I want to measure battery voltage at certain minutes(15minutes). And my Beacon advertising is at 100msec.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

Yes, you will be able to do so, you can trigger the ADC measurement via a ke_timer (app_easy_timer), the timers have a maximum time counting of about 5 minutes, so you can start a timer and every time the 5 minute timeout elapse set the timer again and count how many timer the timer has elapsed, on the 3rd time you can set the counter to zero and trigger the ADC measurement.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 1 month ago
加入:2016-09-16 06:49
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

Thanks for your prompt response,



Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Bimalsinh,

Hi Bimalsinh,

The device when the sleep mode is enabled, it will sleep between the advertising events, when you set a ke_timer, essentially you program the device to wake up in the specified time in order to serve the callback that you ve set, so in the above implementation the device will sleep in between the advertising intervals (it needs to be awake in order to advertise) and it will wake up as soon as the timer that you ve elapses.

Regarding how to create a new post, when you open one of the available categories (Hardware/Software/Tools) you will see a black button on the top of the page that indicates "New Topic" if you check that you will be available to create a new post.

Thanks MT_dialog